Being mean to GOTH people. But why?

looking at people who cannot cope with the existence of dark makeup and clothes. Care to join me?


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28 thoughts on “Being mean to GOTH people. But why?”

  1. It’s so interesting as a goth person to watch the Internet go full circle from bullying, to fetishizing, to bullying again

    Unrelated to the video I was confused when a few of your videos were recommended to me I was surprised when I peeked at your channel! It’s cool to see your content grow and change I remember watching your animation memes way back when, I can’t believe it’s been like five years!

  2. 2:23 I hate how other Christians see alt ppl and immediately assume their a Satanist or smth, all their doing is making Christians look bad (I'm a catholic/christian who is alt and gay)

  3. Dude i feel bad about those kind of things, people always bully other ppl for being like they want,,,, im kinnnddaa,,,,, aaa puunnkkk,,,, aannddd,,, people use to see those kind of things is weird??? Or not normal,, just let people be how they want, i will never get this.. like you're mad at me for dress how i want??? Dude, sincerely,, i want to yell at them "kys unhappy mf"

  4. A lot of the comments you found also seem really ableist to me, as someone who is neurodivergent. Treating someone's interests as a mental illness and also implying that having a mental illness is evil/something to be ashamed of is absolutely never ok. Also cringe culture usually tends to be ableist as a whole because a lot of the "weird" communities have a lot of autistic and other neurodivergent people interested in them. But that shouldn't even matter in the first place because people just shouldn't bully others for any reason, period. My favorite quote I saw a few weeks ago: "I may be cringe but you are mean and that is worse." Just let people enjoy what they want. So long as they aren't hurting others or themselves who cares lol people need to learn how to mind their own business. It also just makes people look sad and pathetic when they're rude like this. Like go get a life since you're obviously so jealous other people are living theirs. Anyways great video!

  5. Woman: *wears black lipstick and a black hoodie & is just vibing and having a good time


  6. i seriously dont even understand why people think goths worship satan or something like being goth is listening to music and wearing dark clothes i dont get why people look at that and instantly think that goths dress that way cause they are depressed or have some sort of mental illness. their lifestyle literally does nothing to you. speaking as an emo myself i never understood how someone dressed darker means that they are mentally ill. its called self expression and creativity. some people actually like dressing up differently cause their wardrobe speaks to them.
    like if you're gonna shit on random people on the internet cause they are actually creative with their looks then i really do think that youre the problem here man. idk what to tell you

  7. Literally so fandoms like pokemon, sonic, fnaf, vocaloid, hello kitty and goth/kawaii/lolita aesthetics etc have MILLIONS of fans and people are flabbergasted that people are still into it? You go to any random stranger and the chances are is that they're gonna be like one of the main "cringe" categories. So why bully people over it?

  8. this whole shits weird to me cuz i just know that those same ppl that are making fun of these ppl for not dressing like they fell out of a forever 21, or just being different, are prolly tryna be different themselves

    i say different in a loose way cuz they still wanna follow trends while at the same time look like they're not following any trends

    p.s. i gotta say, as a black person i find it hilarious how these ppl think goth fashion is a white people thing, which isn't even close to true but whatevs

  9. I'm very happy to see this video because last time I visited your channel you were in a lot of drama and it's nice to see that you've changed and grown as a person


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