Before The Storm: The Early Days Of The Vietnam War | Battlezone | War Stories

US forces were involved in the Vietnam War for years before the government put” boots on the ground” in 1965. Army personnel volunteered to aid the South Vietnamese by improving their standard of living in their very poor country. This documentary looks at how they did this and if this campaign had the desired effect.

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20 thoughts on “Before The Storm: The Early Days Of The Vietnam War | Battlezone | War Stories”

  1. You'd have thought that after that debacle, the US of A would have learned to keep their meddling noses out of other countries business. Just happy now, for proxy war rather than getting their own hands dirty.

  2. Propaganda…..that's all this is. Today, in 2023, 75 or more years later, I am still disgusted by our nation for involving us in a war with no purpose.

    Over 58,000 American servicemen and women, dead. For nothing.

  3. I remember so much of this. It was Commies against United States. It was actually the military industrial complex, needing a small war to feed their appetite for profit.. the victims of this war, the people of Vietnam. And Vietcong were supplied by Russia that was making money by sending arms to North Vietcong . Once again, the American elite were making money by making war. Same as Afghanistan and Iraq. If America would ever learn to keep their nose out of other peoples disputes the world would be much better off. The American ruling elite, a.k.a. the swamp need to be reined in and regulated.

  4. When this documentary disclosures that American involvement in the Vietnam 🇻🇳 war started as advisers, military helper, and freedom preserver of half of Vietnam population against totalitarian communist regime in North Vietnam …a simple question [ whey American authority spent allot of money 💰 and American youths bloody for something outside the USA 🇺🇸 border even too far !and far from public American interest.. ?!!…1- the USA 🇺🇸 similar to USSR sponsored, supported many atrocious military or certain parties dictatorship regimes in 3rd world countries 🤔 [ double standard and double dealer]…that is proven democratic prospectives considered a depression 🫥 🤔 value and regardless point cooperating to other practical 😮political scale ⚖️… inside exterior policies of the USA 🇺🇸….2- the USA 🇺🇸 and USSR-Chinese intervened in internal Vietnam 🇻🇳 conflict were complicated that political issue and throws innocent, Neutral Vietnam Peasants in that damned war directly… which reasonable and logical prospectives provoked that bloody, dirty political businesses in Vietnam 🇻🇳?

  5. My uncle or my grandpa or my brother was in ‘Nam and all this is wrong and he was a special forces airman paratrooper navy airforce marine and boy I tell you what he’s dead now but you best listen to me because I’m the offspring of a serviceman in this conflict! I’m the know all and end all be all so there!
    (Every war documentary comment)

  6. Anyone watching this video must read "Ho's letter to Truman February 1946" google it. He asked for the US's help and in separate correspondence said he wanted to adopt the US constitution, "verbatim" as Vietnam's constitution. Truman blew him off. So, he went to China, and we all know how that ended. 58,000+ dead because of an attitude by our president.


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