Before the Shadow Preview – +Cord of the Rings

Severlin, Orion, Scenario, and Pinion join Cordovan for an overview of Before the Shadow and Q&A with viewers! Watch +Cord of the Rings on Fridays starting at Noon Eastern on


22 thoughts on “Before the Shadow Preview – +Cord of the Rings”

  1. I like their take on the question about promoting world first vs letting people play the game the way they want..there is another game that has promoted world first raid progression and yeah it's cool but it completely divides the community and Lotro is not all about end game progression and pushing content, if that's your thing? Great! if you want to join a Kinship that stays at a certain level and uses stone of the tortoise? that is available on every server I have been on and there are a lot of people who enjoy the play Lotro that way. I know people who never get past Angmar and they enjoy the game as much as anyone who is end game T3. Someone in World Chat today said " what's the use of being in a Kin if they aren't running T3 and helping you gear up?
    my first thought was "that person is missing the whole vibe of Lotro"

  2. Display of stats: some major updates ago they've added a rounding of stat numbers to 3 significant digits. So far this has been only relevant for internal calculation of the stats and not for display.
    One can imagine that 1,234,567 on an item wil be shortened to 1.23 M perhaps.

  3. You guys need to implement loot drops through ALL the landscapes…there are landscapes in the mid levels, where you obtain no loot at all…loot drops in the landscape should be consistent from 1 – 140!

  4. Have been a LOTRO player since '08 and I really can say it should be called 'Bored of the Rings' as they are still using the same old very tired by now format and with my new Macbook Pro M1 Max, I can't get it to run, and on my Windows laptop with a RTX 2060 card it won't run at any higher resolution than 1080. So how about a real update.

  5. Definitely looking forward to exploring the new regions, starting experience, and story chapters. The only drawback for me and others like me who already have a character of every class, is I'll be making a new character to run through this content, then abandon them, or I suppose they can be a 2nd bank toon. Maybe new level 30+ content will come later to run them through. I guess this is why I was hoping a new race was coming with it, mainly the rumored river hobbits.


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