Before starting a mars colony this is required | Astronomy | Mars | Space travel

Possible Locations of settlements on mars

Colonization of mars is a thing of the future as of now. But it’s not far away. Many organizations like spaceX are dedicating towards forming a colony on the red planet. To form a colony on mars there are some possible locations that researchers think is the best. In this video we discuss the locations of the human settlement on mars.

Mars has a thin atmosphere that is different from earth and no radiation protection in the form of ozone layer. So, we have to find locations to counter that and still be a hotspot for resources.

Astronomy studies planets, the solar system, galaxies, stars, nebulae, comets, asteroids, black holes, quasars and meteors among many objects in the universe or cosmos. Similarly cosmology studies the birth, existence and end of the universe.

Our solar system consists of the planets mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune. Beyond the planets in our solar system there are dwarf planets like pluto, ceres, eris, humea, makemake. The solar system also has comets, asteroid belt, kuiper belt, multiple moons or natural satellites.

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