Beasts of the Stone Hills – Fairytales & Monster Stories

Welcome to NFT Monster Club! I’m AI artist and started this YouTube channel to showcase the adorable and often spooky homes of the most charming monsters around.

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Beasts of the Stone Hills.

It all began in the rocky hills, where strange beings lurked in the shadows. These mysterious creatures were known as the Stone Eating Monsters, and they were believed to have been created by the gods in order to protect the land from harm. For centuries, the Stone Eating Monsters lived in peace and harmony with their surroundings, but as time passed, they began to evolve. The Stone Eating Monsters developed powerful digging hands, allowing them to excavate the rocks in the hills and create numerous caves for shelter and sustenance. The rough grey skin that they developed also allowed them to better withstand the smaller rocks that fell from the sky.

As the years passed, a new tribe joined the region and eventually intermingled with the Stone Eating Monsters. The offspring of this union were even stronger than their parents, and they quickly developed a knack for taming the wild animals. This allowed them to use these animals to help with the digging in the caves, which made the Stone Eating Monsters even more powerful.

The Stone Eating Monsters have now become a formidable force in the region, and their evolution has provided them with a strength and resilience that will continue to protect the land for centuries to come.


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