Bbop’s For The First Time In 9 Years! | Mail Time | Mexican Cake Shop

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34 thoughts on “Bbop’s For The First Time In 9 Years! | Mail Time | Mexican Cake Shop”

  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful family journey with us. Craig is a gem and we adore him. His innocence is so refreshing and endearing❤ God made each and every one us special and unique in his image🙏and to all the negative naysayers out there, go kick rocks, we don't need your negative opinions. Craig, you picked a great book at the end. "Different isnt weird, sad, bad or strange, its ok"!

  2. I vote to keep everything together — except for the bourbon stuff — I like the format you use now. I like to hear Nancy and Joe talking together and sharing things from your perspectives first… and then I like to see Craig busy about his day, and how you guide him. I enjoy the taste tests with all the kids and grand kids, too. The only thing I wonder about is the chemicals that I know are in a lot of the junk food you do your taste tests on — including the food colorings — which I believe have been found to affect behavior. Thanks for all you do.

  3. I love the discussions at the beginning of the video. However, if you decide to keep them separate that's fine too. Just don't stop the discussions even if you put them in separate videos. I teared up when Nancy teared up. You guys are great parents and Craig is a blessing to everyone who knows him.

  4. EXACTLY ! It doesn't matter what others think and everyone has an opinion. You guys come across as such loving and caring parents and your trying to make sure Craig gets as much enjoyment out of life as he can in spite of his autism ! You guys Rock !

  5. I love watching you and Joe give us a rundown of the day and answer questions about Craig and the whole fam!! I think instead of doing separate videos, just say, “Skip ahead two minutes (or however long the chat is) to get to the Craig part of the video.” That’s what I’ve heard a lot in podcasts. Keep up the wonderful work, friends!!

  6. If you listen, Craig gives viewers the instructions on how to watch your vlogs…
    "Welcome to the wonderful world of Des Moines, Sit back, RELAX, and enjoy the show!"
    Craig is more gifted than most of us.
    And Joe, my husband and I would love to have our little boy with us for the rest of our life too!😢❤😊

  7. I actually think that Craig probably has a much higher IQ than some may think.
    We have been given just a glimpse and it is very apparent that Craig is kind, helpful, entertaining, pleasant, caring, smart, funny……
    Craig is way ahead of a lot of people!
    Craig has life figured out in ways that so many people will never be able to achieve.

  8. Craig you are the man. I wish I knew half of what you know. I love how you and your sister are so close. I can’t wait to get to see your videos every day.Keep doing what you do. And you’re parents are so cool and I’m envious of the relationship you guys have.

  9. I have recently stumbled on your channel and I am so impressed with you two. As a person who has taught special children and adults for 22 years, you two are impressive parents. I love that you gave Craig the camera to video you. Nice job Graig!

  10. Imagine waking up every day w a purpose. Especially after retirement. You know Craig is eagerly awaiting the plan for the day. My husband & I miss that. We jump at the chance to be included in our children & grandchildren’s activities. You are blessed ❤

  11. Nancy, Joe and Craig,
    I wanted give my opinion on your video's.
    For me please keep it how it is. I love hearing you and Joe chat, than you play the video for the day. That is my vote. But no matter what I will keep watching.
    Thank you for sharing your day.
    Take Care

  12. I enjoy the videos as they are! I really enjoy your videos. My brother is only mentally 8 years old he will be 41 this year. I suspect he might be autistic but they didn't diagnose it much in the 80's.

  13. Keep it coming as is! I like the educational insights and the entertainment as well as just visiting with friends! I also love seeing the great eats, if you are ever in Tennessee I’ll take you to the great spots here! Ha ha

  14. Oh my mommy heart could feel the passion and love in your mommy heart when you started crying. I cried right with you.
    It’s easy for others to throw stones. Imagine if their lives were on YouTube! People just need to stay in their lane!
    I love the intro, the talks and q&a that you and Joe give us, the shopping, the cooking, the grandbabies, and the story times.
    Joe’s perspective on things and life and Craig is so insightful.
    Let the small minded do what they do best, for they know no better.
    You all have an amazing family and I have truly getting to know you all through YouTube and understanding the world of autism a little more with each video.
    Many blessings to your entire family!!

  15. Can we talk about the fact that Craig can't help his disabilities and that his parents whatever he lacks they have MORE than filled that void. Just by watching the videos you can see they have filled Craig's life with what they feel hes missing out on. That is very admirable.


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