Bayek Displays DEI Unity To AC Shadows Yasuke

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37 thoughts on “Bayek Displays DEI Unity To AC Shadows Yasuke”

  1. Truth is they just don't like black male characters in their video games, that's not what they're used to, and that's not what they grew up playing as. Unless of course that black male character is a side character, or comic relief, you know things of that nature.

    And 90% of their complaints is a smokescreen to cover up the fact that they just don't like black male characters in their video games. Just listen to their complaints, 10% of it makes sense and 90% of it is just hypocrisy, bias, favoritism, hatred, and down right racism.

  2. Yall really love misrepresenting the other side huh? No one was mad about Bayek. We LOVE Bayek. Everyone wanted a Bayek sequel instead of Odyssey. Bayek makes sense for a game set in ancient Egypt.

    Imagine being Japanese waiting YEARS for an AC game set in their own homeland, just for the only male character to be the ONE black person that was in Japan for not even 2 years. It would be the same exact thing as having a game set in the Mali Empire, only to play as a European visitor or some shit. It would be dumb as hell and yall CERTAINLY wouldn't let that fly. You'd think with how the entire internet spread the whole "stop Asian hate" message, that Ubisoft would make two Asian dual protagonists, but no. They only care about money and playing all of you by your emotions. You see one black guy and notice people don't like it, and yall automatically suck Ubisofts dic

  3. First off everytime there was a black person in a game these racist got upset with Halo Agent Locke, GTA San Andreas, Battle Field 1, the game where you control all the electrical devices (can’t remember the name) and many more. These people get pissy at everything. But Nioh was a white dude and nobody gave a damn

  4. I think that in a game about ancient Japan, they chose to make a gay black man the central character alongside a seemingly Japanese woman and make them LGBTQ+ was stupid. I'm not really concerned about them making Yasuke a samurai because it's just a game, make him whatever you want – DEI took a shit all over this game and for that, they won't be getting my money.

  5. Did you hear 👂🏾 that Yasake or the protagonist are now LBGTQ now… 🤦🏾‍♂️ even when I was going to get this game. Now imma really going to get it even moar 😂 black gay samurai xD 💀. Oh the people/developers are going crazy 🤪

  6. LOL, i bet japanese gamer people who live in Japan accepted the game right? are they going to say they dont know their own culture and history and some white dude and woman with mental problems know more than them? for god sakes their consultant to Yasuke is a Japanes woman with Narrative position who wrote books about Male to Male fantasy in medieval times with adolescent boys, and she said in the interview that All Japanese people will accept Yasuke as a represnetation of Japanese Samurai Spirit, what's the Japanese reaction? 5k likes with 42k dislike, that moron think she speak for all Japanese people when shes not

  7. No one was mad that Bayek is black on AC Origins lol what. Anyways you always see criticism and automatically call some racist for it and I find that crazy. Yes I’m upset about Disney changing characters skin color just for joke bs if you want to represent colored individuals just create new characters. Plus honestly I stand with the “get woke go broke” because at least they don’t have double standards if there was a white samurai you guys will be mad too. There hasn’t been any evidence that Yasuke was a Samurai however there is speculation that he was a retainer which is a body guard but he could of been samurai but there’s nothing saying he was or was not.

  8. The dei stuff is obviously stupid. As long as the story is good who cares. I like the idea that they are using an outsider to tell the inside story. It makes sense from a storytelling point of view.

    The other issue I have is people saying ac is a bad franchise. After replaying all the games since pandemic of all the main line games the only one I truly disliked was vahalla. Every other game was at least good and most were great. Both odyssey and origins were great. Mirage was a lot of fun. I’m excited for shadow. Fuck the feelings of the ignorant incels.

  9. In Japan, instead of differences in race, people point out the oddities in things like building structures being significantly wrong or the usage of emblems being different, which create a sense of dissonance in the world. Since UBI is upset, let's just say we've been "to be isekai'd" into a wrong version of Japan. (LOL)

    If they are going to feature an assassin, they should use hidden clans like the Imbe clan, Kamo clan, or Hata clan rather than Yasuke. The theory that the Hata clan are ancient Israelites fits perfectly with Assassin's Creed and ties in with the story of Assassin's Creed 1!

    Given that Nobunaga is connected to the Imbe clan, it would make sense if they based the story on that.

  10. I love when they say "but we love this black character from this tv show, book, movie, game"
    NO. You mfs hated those characters when they came out. You just dont hate them as much now. Complain about Nioh or stfu.

  11. Just a reminder that out of all this bullshit AC Shadows is still #1 and #2 in pre order sales in both Japan and America.
    And that's only off of a story trailer with no gameplay yet.

  12. Most Japanese people don't know about Yasuke. I'm amazed at many foreigners who have never been to Japan believe the myth that Yasuke is famous and admired in Japan. Why don't they realize they're only getting lip service?


  13. If AC chose a story, region or period that was actually historically impacted by a black person, then there would be no backlash. People don’t like cultural appropriation.

  14. I think people are not mad that there is a black character and a samurai game but it’s just the political climate and race baiting. They’ve been putting into video games and shoehorning gender swapped in color, change the characters in assassin. Creed went downhill a couple games ago.

  15. it is irrelevant of he was a samurai or just nobonaga's pet.

    we know the only reason they picked him, was color of his skin.

    characters in ac games were always fictional , with historical characters around them.

    but they choose yasuke , because they unironically are racist and they can't see anything beyond skin color.

    as a side character, he could have a outsider perspective in Japan.

    he was a warrior in India before going with missionaries to Japan.

    they could have shown him as African warrior or Indian warrior in feudal japan .

    they could have shown his African culture, (or Indian) , but nahhhh
    that's not good enough, he must be samurai.


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