Battlefield Earth Russia Pushes Forward

Is Ukraine preparing for internal upheaval


32 thoughts on “Battlefield Earth Russia Pushes Forward”

  1. The collective West will have a hard time fighting any future major war because of the military recruitment crisis. If it comes to raising a significant fighting force, the lack of enthusiasm for military service displayed by Generation Z will inhibit the battlefield deployment of significant numbers of combat troops. In the West the politicians are well aware of the perils of introducing conscription. They instinctively know that any attempt to draft the Middle Classes would constitute political suicide. In the event of a major conflict, it is easy to imagine Western leaders emptying out their prisons first. In the case of the United States, Biden could draw manpower from America's huge prison population. Although convicts don't make good soldiers, the political elites don't really care as long as they can continue to make money.

  2. We are not going to fight over some globalist electronics manufacturing sweatshop. There will be a disruption in semiconductor manufacting at most. Will that stop semiconductor manufacturing around the world? No it won't. The development and testing of new semiconductors is done here with manufacturing. We don't lose that ability just because China invades and takes over Taiwan. The justification for why we need to go to war over Taiwan because they manufacture semiconductors is neocon horseshit.

  3. Russia moved their ‘Black sea fleet’ out of the black sea. First moved from Sevastapol to Fedosia, now moving back to russia. What an impotent army who can’t defend their own navy against a country with no navy 😂. Meanwhile, russia take a town reduced to rubble. Really is a joke now, but people still putting out videos like this

  4. VOR doesn’t understand basic military strategy. If the black sea fleet can’t protect or supply crimea then the Kerch bridge is the only option. Guess what happens when that gets taken out…it’s a clever strategy that russia wouldn’t understand. Russia has fired thousands of cruise missiles and what has resulted from it? Nothing, absolutely useless military

  5. For your knowledge the conscription age in Ukraine is 27, they try in the last weeks to take it down to 25, but has still not been approved at the moment.
    So the BS of young kids or women being forced conscript is just another lie you hear on this channel.

  6. that vessel was under repair, it was the one that was attacked already once in the conflict. Nobody is able to verify what explosion what shown in that video and considering the history of UA-Info-War I tend to stick to the russian offical statements that are most often true.

  7. Eventually the Chinese will be able to build submarines that will be equal or superior to the Virginia class. Unlike the US, the Chinese are producing millions more STEM graduates than the US. One of the great mistakes the West has made in recent years has been to denigrate the creative ability of its opponents. In the case of the Chinese, their R&D is looked down upon by the collective West. There is a widespread belief that the Chinese are mere imitators. And that they will never match the West technologically. It is worth noting that this type of denigration is reminiscent of the way in which the West regarded the Japanese on the eve of the Pacific War. In the popular propaganda of the day the Japanese were often portrayed as being inept and technologically backwards. There was a widespread belief that the Japanese were incapable of producing weapons that were capable of outclassing their Western counterparts. It was believed by those who should have known better, that if it ever came to a fight the Japanese would be defeated in short order. Of course, as we well know now, all of these predictions would be proven diametrically wrong.
    It is worth noting that, especially in the US, there exists a widespread belief that the Chinese will never be able to match America's military prowess. Although such a belief might still hold water today, in time the US and the rest of the collective West will slip further and further behind the Chinese technologically if their systems of high education are not radically overhauled. Unfortunately for the fate of the West, its institutions of higher learning have been corrupted by the virus of Cultural Marxism. In the English speaking World especially, ideological conformity has become more valued by university administrators than academic excellence. Unlike the Chinese who stress technical ability, in the West equality of outcome is being promoted at the expense of competence. This muddled thinking is epitomised by the ascendency of identity politics within the academy. From a pedagogical standpoint Cultural Marxism has proven to be a disaster. With respect to the Chinese, if present trends continue on their current trajectory, the resulting gap in educational outcome could cripple the West's response to the Chinese, especially in relation to the emergent field of AI. As Vladimir Putin noted recently, the nation that develops AGI first will be able to dominate the Planet both economically and militarily. When it comes to artificial intelligence being second best is not an option. Once a nation falls behind in this crucial technological sphere it will never be able to catch up. It will be forever relegated to the status of being second best.

  8. Well, only a few more weeks now until the Russian Assault collapses, 20% of the Russian Navy wiped out in a few hours, trouble from within Russia as the population is starting to realise that what they are seeing on their TV's is propaganda full of lies, little attacks here and there from the resistance, military offices and such being attacked, Putin just about realising there is no way out of this so he's rattling on about a ceasefire, he is becoming desperate, he knows he cant mobilise any more without a collapse of his regime, its all falling apart around him, it'll be a miracle if he's still in place after Easter, and if he's still alive then he'll be very lucky.

  9. You are the only one to explain how hard Taiwan would be for China to occupy. Also the 1st to explain the new warfare & how costly it is to go on the offense. Have a good holidays & a great 2024 new year VOR!!

  10. Joe now threatening Congress to steal Russians assets if they don't cough up more money for Ukraine …that's not going to work . All it will do is cause every country on earth to never trust America again. Congress better not bend !

  11. Believe in Jesus Christ and you will have Everlasting Life, to believe in someone, you are convinced that they are true. If you Believe in Jesus Christ, you will be Saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Jesus Christ Alone, John 3:16, KJV. Once you are Saved, you are always Saved, John 6:37, KJV…….

  12. Does it make sense to supply rockets to destroy everything. Would this just make the other side return with more rockets. Who benefits from starting more Wars around the World. Why would the working tax payer in the US use mega trillions off printed money to pick a fight with China & Russia. So many locals living under bridges & trailer parks are not happy.

  13. Is there any truth that the Chinese government has waved the requirement for Taiwanese to obtain visas and when in China proper Taiwanese are entitle to all services that Chinese citizens are entitled to and if that is the case is the Chinese government playing the long game and will not need an invasion.

  14. Whatever you say about the landing ship of Russia that is blown away (propaganda things etc.) to my opinion it is a quite big hit. Bringing down a ship of 675 million with (allegedly) 4 storm shadows/scalps costing 4 million, that is painfull loss for Russia! Furthermore, once the Kirch bidge is hit (question of time), Russia is only able of providing it's troops with only one(!) landing ship left in providing it's troops.

  15. @VOR = the voice of Russia / Putin / Trump shows either his propaganda bias or his utter incompetence when he says that the US would have to choose between supporting Ukraine or Taiwan as if the US military can't do both at the same time. Anyone who knows about the logistics involved, knows it is obvious that there are two completely different sets of military assets to fight each war one is a naval war and the other is a ground war so one would not diminish or hinder the other. You should just ignore @VOR because on a daily basis he's just pushing Trump and Putin's narratives to get Americans to stop supporting Ukraine so Putin can rebuild his communist empire and continue to the Eastern European former Soviet countries after that.


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