Battle of Kiev: Largest Encirclement in History | World War II (1941)

Discover the capture of Kiev, a city steeped in resistance and a heavy blow to the Red Army. With depleted resources, recovery …


23 thoughts on “Battle of Kiev: Largest Encirclement in History | World War II (1941)”

  1. Respect and eternal glory from Turkey to the glorious german army. As an ordinary turkish citizen,I'm thankful to the glorious german army for saving western europa and Turkey from that bloodthirsty rabid dog called st@lin. Besides If usa and britain hadn't supplied the bolsheviks with extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front, Moscow would have fallen too like Kiev

  2. Gerd Von Runtstedt,Erich Von Manstein, Heinz Guderian, Ewald Von Kleist,Erich Hupner, Gothard Heinrici, Encircled and Destroyed 4mostly full soviet armies in the battle of kiev Suffering Less than 100k Casualties Between Dead,Wounded, Missing, Inflicting+650k Soviet Casualties 500k + of them POWS which remains till this Day the Largest Encirclement Battle in History and Germany's biggest Victory On the Eastern Front During WW2, German Generals Were Truly The Best

  3. Henry Ford, in the early 1930's, sent his factory architect and factory foremen into Judeo-Bolshevik Russia… and built Stalin several modern factories. Stalin used these modern factories and modernized factories to build Earth's largest ever standing army. Stalin then began construction of army bases and airfields along his border with Poland and Finland.

    This is why the Axis began their attack when they did… they did not want a Judeo-Bolshevik army invading Europe.


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