Bats are the leading causes of rabies deaths. It may cause hydrophobia, aggression, and, death


20 thoughts on “Bats are the leading causes of rabies deaths. It may cause hydrophobia, aggression, and, death”

  1. It MAY cause hydrophobia, aggression and death? I believe you mean it WILL, as rabies is a virus with a near 100% fatality. And for those saying you can survive it with medical treatment, only 6 people survived to tell the tale.

  2. These shorts always cheer me up. The fact they were just at the hospital and not…😵…I like their world better than ours. 😭🥰

    For those of you that don't know, they can't just test for rabies with a blood test, the only way they can check is by killing the animal and doing an internal examination. They don't wait for symptoms to start as there is no treatment/cure for rabies, and by the time the animal might show signs it's too late to do anything.
    There isn't nearly enough attention on Rabies research because it effects animals more than humans, even though, if they can't find the animal or tests are inconclusive, you have to take a series of drugs "just in case".(not to mention the times the animal isn't rabid, and is just killed, because "there's no other way".😢)


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