Basil's Fantasy Ban-List Has Arrived!

Alright everybody, you asked for it and here we go… Basil and Justin are in the studio with their fantasy ban/restricted list for the Digimon TCG! We know there are going to be some hotly contested takes on some of our fan’s favorite cards, so let us know in the comments, or in our discord what you think of Basil’s list and what you would add or omit!

Thanks for watching!

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44 thoughts on “Basil's Fantasy Ban-List Has Arrived!”

  1. (I wanna preface this by saying great idea and I love the video lol)

    But uh… "Tell me you hate purple without saying you hate purple"

    Definitely some hot takes my bro. Reinforcing and X4 should be closer to 4 than 0, and Ice Wall definitely needs to be at 0. I'm a Xros Heart fanatic and I think the deck would still be non-competitive with X4 at 4. Deck is just too slow and has a very limited range of options, not to mention X4 is basically just worse Ukko with a bunch of restrictions. Strongly agree on the DeathX/Ruin portion (as a person that owns both), there are better/more healthy ways to control wide boards.

    As for your 4 to 1 cards… there are way too many cards on here. You're failing to realize the snowball effect that the more powerful cards have. You can't put every good purple card to 1 and then say Jack Raid/Nidhogg are too strong. What are people gonna do now, turbo out a VenomMyotismon? Not to mention, most people only play 1-2 Jack Raid anyway. I can count on 1 hand the number of people I've ever seen play bt7 nidhogg (and 4 of those people are me LOL). The only cards I think are realistically bad for the game (now or in the future) are Patamon, Zudo Ace, Venus, Shinegrey BM, Quartz, Grav Crush, and Blinding Ray.

    Some of the rest of the cards probably wouldn't hurt the game being hit to 1 (NumeX, MonzaeX, Crimson, Takuya, Gatekeeper, Marcus, Chaos deg), but you got like FORTY cards on here that would actively make the game worse if they were limited or semi-limited. I'm talking about cards that are the only reason a bunch of lower tier decks are even playable (Rina+Ulforce, ArresterSM+Taiki, Analogman+Chaosdramon, Omeka+RK Purge, Togemon, Bloom, etc), not to mention ones that literally never see play because their power level is so low (half the purple cards on the list).

    I'm incredibly surprised you hate limited (sealed) so much because this format you're creating is basically that haha…

  2. Hahaha I'm actually gonna be hosting some digimon singleton tournaments in Gresham this summer. Everything unbanned and limited to 1 😊 you'll hear about it, maybe ya'll come!?! It's gonna be an interesting format

  3. a lot of the negative comments on this video seem to be taking this list too seriously lol basil is a player not a game designer. unless im mistaken he has also stated or at least implied this is meant to be a subjective list for the most part. its also worth mentioning that the game has some pretty big core mechanics that can Easily be abused if given just the right card. this list isnt gonna become reality, and basil clearly loves the game overall. seems pointless to get upset over a fun video like this

  4. This truly was a bonanza. I love takes like this cause of the chaos that would ensue in the meta if this were real. Would love to see more videos like this in the future tbh cause they’re fun.

  5. imagine if that was real..after 3 weeks the game would be dead because new players can't be arsed to read a fucking bible on why they can not play any card.

  6. People are off their rockers in these comments, lol.

    The only problem with this list that having so many cards on a ban list is hard to keep track of.

    The game really just needs to start a rotating format like mtg standard. They can lower the power overall, and print a few cards here and there to push eternal format decks up and slowly make as many archetypes relevant as possible.

  7. 1. Mega Digimon Fusion = 0
    For all the reasons why HPD is banned. It is design restrictive.

    2. For the same reasons why Yu-Gi-Oh!'s semi-limited list is pointless, a semi-limited Digimon list would be equally pointless. And I think that cards should just be banned or not, all or nothing. If one copy of a problematic card exists, then it means all future cards have to still be designed around it.

  8. I agree 100% with the idea of ​​banning both ruin mode and deathxmon. In some games, your opponent plays them and they basically say okay, now you can't play the game.

  9. Would you rather see a mass change or some slow changes to get to this point? I am all for more bans or restrictions, but I am not sure how or when to do it. Seems to early to go into these big restrictions still. But maybe sometime in the future this will be worth it. Kind of as a pseudo rotation.

  10. Hmmm I dont know man. I'm all for using the list to balance out the meta a bit, but with so many relevant cards on the list, all you're doing is making the game feel significantly more sacky. With Digimon TCG being already innately heavily RNG-dependent, I feel like that would really just hurt the experience of the game and make it feel less rewarding for good decision making.

  11. haha so much salt in these comments. I would totally be down to play in this format! Nothings perfect but this was an enjoyable and honest attempt at slowing down the game overall and obeying the memory mechanics a bit more

  12. Fantastic video!
    Love the in depth analysis on each card, and a very creative and fun video! I feel like digimon content on yt isn’t varied enough, so this was cool.
    I take this video as card suggestions, why I should be using certain cards since they are very strong!

  13. I think if they changed it where the level 3 floodgate effects linger for a turn after they get deleted would slow the game down enough without banning anything and would promote people playing more level 3 floodgates and they wouldn’t need any errata’s

  14. Takes a lot of guts to get so salty about losing to Leomon, Examon, and Gacha Green that you want their cards limited and then go out on YouTube and share that with the whole world

  15. Y'all are acting like this list is enforced. Calm down.
    This is a cool look at the meta and a potentially fun format. I would actually be so happy to see Bandai enforce this format for the next UltiCup.

  16. I would like to point out tho

    The Ukko being a 0 to digi is ACTUALLY a balancing aspect.

    Because as the newer Ukko shows us, it costing 1 passes at 1 on turn 1.

    The promo Ukko keeps it your turn and now you have to Pass with something other than a search option because, lol, you dont have a color anymore.

    Not saying Ukko can stay, I want it gone too. Just saying itd may have actually be MORE annoying if it had cost 1.

  17. Imagining this ban list goes into effect, and it doesn't effect me aside from my 1 of death cause the 1 card I run that's on this list I already run at 1too, quartz XD Diaboromon run bandai! XD

  18. The only unrestricted card I agree should be banned is Ukkomon, however as a green player I have been wanting them to ban hidden potential for years because some green decks don't even need hidden potential anymore but it definitely harms green card design

  19. This is like MBTs masochist ban list but in reverse
    Edit: you guys should totally play a tournament with this list. Mbt dies the same for yugioh and its a blast (well he unrestricts a ton but still)


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