Barnaby Joyce and David Shoebridge in fiery on-air debate over renewables

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce engaged in a fiery debate with Greens Senator David Shoebridge over whether or not the Albanese government is transitioning to renewables too quickly.

Mr Joyce hit back at the Greens Senator after the latter claimed renewable energy is the cheapest and most reliable energy source.

“I’m going to call rubbish on everything David just said,” Mr Joyce told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.

“Renewables are not cheap – renewables are incredibly expensive.

“The way to test the rhetoric is to look at your bill.

“Your power bill is going through the roof as renewables accelerate up.”


24 thoughts on “Barnaby Joyce and David Shoebridge in fiery on-air debate over renewables”

  1. Started watching this video with a very open mind. But as soon as the greens rep started making his arguments political (talking about the coalition) I quickly understood that they are not basing their arguments off facts, but ideology. If a coal power stations are aging thats to be expected, just cant see why you wouldnt sure up a system with either some coal or even better nuclear. Why do we have to be all in on one or another. Is there no scope for a middle ground.

  2. David is an absolute fing idiot to think renewables at 8 trillion dollars are good. Nuclear is without a doubt the best idea for Australia. To bury these solar panels and wind farms in 20 years are going to be a bigger environmental destruction than anything, they are not biodegradable and have short life.

  3. This clown was a Covid tyrant. The Greens are an absolute joke. And who cares what anyone from Canberra thinks. Their tiny population of socialist, Labor/Green/Teal loving bureaucrats and sycophants are stuffing it up for the rest of us.

  4. Thorium liquid salt reactors are the cheaper, safer environmentally friendly alternative. Look up Copenhagen Atomics. They are planning to mass produce shipping container size reactors.

  5. I used to be against nuclear… then I became an engineer.

    People can't admit that their only arguments against nuclear are out of emotion and ignorance.

    To the uneducated, nuclear is akin to magic. They don't understand it, they heard scary stories about it, so they fear it.

  6. We need a new energy grid but the people supporting renewables are talking garbage. Building a network for our children and their children? The life span of the panels and wind farms are 10-20 years max. Coal isn’t reliable? The reason it’s so hard to replace is because it is so reliable and has run the entire country for 50 years and is actually cheap. Barnaby is on the wrong side of history but with valid points. The big problem here is the left can’t accept any nuclear in the mix which will be critical to the core energy requirements when all the current non electric items also come on board

  7. I am so glad that my time left on planet earth is limited, by age, because there is so much crap happening all over the world and now in Australia, politicians can not seem to think logically with ,Health,Schooling, Crime, Welfare, Judiciary, almost every portfolio that exists ,in Federal, State,Local Councils,
    everyone is drivin by money and power . Feel sorry for the human race.😢

  8. The planet has been here longer than humans and has gone through heaps of disastrous events yet the only thing we are worried about are paper straws, paper bags, phasing out coal power and saving the planet? Humans have only been doing heavy industry for 200 years. We shouldn't be worried about saving the planet when we can't even look after ourselves!

  9. heres a fun game you can play. go on the internet and see if you can find someone arguing for renewables in good faith. no lies, no strawmen, no distortions, no omissions.. good luck


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