Banned From Amazon's New World For Milking & Massive Beta Sets Record & Bricks Nvidia RTX 3090 Cards

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42 thoughts on “Banned From Amazon's New World For Milking & Massive Beta Sets Record & Bricks Nvidia RTX 3090 Cards”

  1. It's not the games fault. It's the cards fault (or people overclocking).
    If they've over clocked, then they are screwed. If not, they might be able to claim it under warranty.

  2. Why the hell didnt that guy at the start pull out the plug?
    What kind of idiot just lets an electrical appliance just destroy itself when given enough time to turn it off??

  3. I doubt Amazon will replace those video cards. I bet there is something in the TOS that says by playing the beta you won't sue amazon for any hardware damage.

  4. I'm really looking forward to this game, just hope that they add more weapons and abilities to create more variety. Also hope they improve and balance it so archer and mage aren't outclassed by melee classes.

  5. Seems like an ok game but i think it's going to be more pvp focused, so no thanks from me. I also like committed class choices, your "class" essentially changing with just a different weapon equiped is odd to me. Idk I just can't see the pull with the game.

  6. Games do not have direct access to GPU hardware, they use DirectX. Look at the GPU manufacturers for malfunctions, not to game devs. LUL.

    As for the milking… well. It's Closed Beta. Glitches and bugs happen.

    Blaming them would be unfair if they are not guilty.

  7. Amazon schemes to destroy graphic cards left remaining, also hates seeing natural milk. Wouldn't be surprised based on the game name (New world) Order.

  8. This has to be a new low. There are bad games, that are just really bad. Then there are absolutely abysmal games, that don't even run. And then there is Amazon's New World Beta which is so bad that fucking BRICKS your shit. HOW??? How can you be THIS BAD??? 😀

  9. … im tired of all these multiplayer focused games and mmo's. its old, its worn out, and they were not fun to begin with because of all the money you need to sink into them to get the full experience

  10. it looks really boring to me. I mean it looks good but everyone looks the same running around. Just a bunch of humans with muskets chopping wood. Its kind of dumb. But hey maybe its the best MMO ever. Amazon has spent literally hundreds of millions on developing video games the past 5 years. This is their only game. This is the sum of all their investment(s). I am not impressed.

  11. "This is why we have betas"
    To test automatic instant ban systems?
    Wtf are u talking about man?
    How can someone cliking an item in game trigger a istant ban procedure be a function that even EXIST in a BETA?
    "you are testing too deep, this is a bannable offense"?
    Duede plz the game will be a shitshow at lauch like all the rest.


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