Bajazet : Sposa Son Disprezzata. #Vivaldi || Canzone (#Song) & Lyrics

This piece is an #Italian #Aria that had always wrongly been attributed to Antonio #Vivaldi, though it has been written, composed and arranged by Geminiano #Giacomelli in 1723 for his opera “La Merope”. Vivaldi borrowed and used in his pasticcio “#Bajazet” (“Il Tamerlano” – RV 703). “Bajazet” is an #Opera of 3 acts composed by Antonio Vivaldi in 1735. The plot of this opera is about the life story and fate of an Ottoman prince Bajazet (Beyazid I) after being captured and imprisoned by Tamerlane (Timur Lenk : the emperor of the Uzbek Turks).
The famous aria “Sposa son disprezzata” is from this opera; Act 2 Scene 7. It is sung by Irene and Asteria. It is about loving Tamerlane, and falling deep for him, despite being a cheater and unfaithful. The protagonist here is lamenting er love and her situation.
What do you think of unfaithfulness between spouses?

“Sposa son disprezzata” = “I am wife and I am scorned” = “Here I am, committed to love and yet rejected.” = “나는 멸시받는 아내라오” = “Je suis une Femme rejetée”

This version is sung by the Korean Soprano Lee Jong Eun (이종은)

Original Lyrics in Italian :
#Sposa son disprezzata
Fida son oltraggiata
Cieli che feci mai?
E pur egl’è il mio cor
Il mio sposo, il mio Amor
La mia #Speranza

Their translation in English :
I am a scorned wife
Faithful, and yet insulted
Oh Heavens, what did I do wrong?
And yet he is my heart
My husband, my love
My Hope.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Respect, #Love and Cherish each other (^_^).
Ciao A Tutti!!

PS :
This is a gift to every woman ans wife that feels that she had been wronged. Lets denounce every cheater and harasser.

The painting’s name is “A weeping woman” by #Rembrandt van Rijn (finished in c. 1644). You can find it in the Detroit Institute of Arts.



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