Bad things happen to good people, life lessons from the Book of Job Why do bad things happen to good people here on earth? Is there a purpose …


37 thoughts on “Bad things happen to good people, life lessons from the Book of Job”

  1. I am not suggesting you have found “all the answers.” Rather, I believe your active example as one who searches the scriptures and asks the Lord to the degree that many answers – more and more – are coming to light. I will always be grateful for your example and your contributions as a son of God. Thank you.

  2. Hey Michael are you suggesting that everybody that has come to this planet is considered a noble and great one. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated thanks Michael.

  3. Thank you brother Rush – for such a wonderful lesson on Job – some believe that Job was not a real person – but I believe he was and was all that you have taught – what wonderful insights you have given me! Thank you so much!

  4. All I can say is Wow! We already know how to build worlds. If we hang in there we will be like him because we already are like Him except for having a resurrected body. That is what I got out of this great message. Thank you!

  5. Michael you are one of the watchman on the tower warning of the advancing army. I appreciate that, unlike many, you are not preaching a new gospel. Instead, you've been blessed with the gift of understanding and you focus on the scriptures and God's revealed word through His prophets, and you encourage people to read, study, ponder and pray for God's confirmation. Unfortunately, the enemy always attacks the watchman in the tower first to stop then from warning the people. The prayers of many are with you, my dear friend.

  6. Micheal, thank you for all of the fantastic insights you have and for all of time and effort that you have spent in getting this information to us. Second Esdras identifies the three headed eagle as the forth beast in Daniel 7. Can you talk more about this. Also if Revelation 7:14 says that the 144,000 came out of great Tribulation , wouldn't this mean that the 10 tribes will be here to go through the Tribulations that will occur in the sixth seal?

  7. Great mind opening video!!! Thank you!!!
    Question. When you were talking about satan.and God 's conversation you said God veiled himself so they could talk….you said God came to the terrestrial world. Did you mean telestial? Was terrestial correct or was that a slip of the tongue?
    I REALLY enjoy your podcasts. I used to think it was inappropriate to hunger for desiring more knowledge. Guess that was my Protestant background peeking through. It's very liberating to know it's a.good thing to hunger and ask the Lord, and search for knowledge. Your books have really helped me to study the scriptures. You have been blessed with a wonderful gift of understanding.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights into the scriptures with all of us. My wife and I love your videos, they help us in our own study of the scriptures. Please keep doing what your doing. Thank you.

  9. Bro. Rush could you please explain the difference between D&C 29:36 a third part of the hosts of heaven turning away…..vs how it relates to the noble and great ones and a third of that group being cast out. I'm trying to picture it in my mind and on paper how to separate the host of heaven.

  10. Thank you for adding more evidence that Job took place before the flood. i.e. "Sons of God" I'd like to add that there is other evidence that Job took place before the flood. The Behemoth and Leviathan that the Lord describes are of animals that no longer exist and probably didn't exist for long after the flood if they were even brought on the ark. We don't have any animals that swing their tails like a cedar tree alive today. However, there are many animals like the Lord describes buried under tons of sediment. Just thought that was not only evidence that the dinosaurs were alive during Job's time or pre-flood times, but there was a global flood that buried these Behemoths and Leviathans.

  11. We need an Ezra 🦅 update, the end of our Republic and Constitution seems eminent or very near going on support. The corruption of the 4 beast is on a rampage. Can we get the Remnant of Jacob to come early? It seems like the Assyrian is already here.

  12. So are all people, the “noble and great ones?” Or are only the ‘children of Israel’ considered as the noble and great ones…will you touch on who those people are?

  13. Oh, Brother Rush, thank you so much for your insights! I feel I know you, but I cannot remember. But your words ring true and cause me great introspection and desire to put myself nearer to Father in Heaven and be part of His great cause! I love studying the scriptures with many of your insights. Thank you!

  14. Somebody needs to do a video on current events (raid on 45s home and 46s senility) and the short feathers of Ezra's Eagle looking like it's turning out to be true. If so we are in for a wild ride in a few years.

  15. Thank you for sharing your insight of scripture and great spirit you bring and encourage us to study, pray to have Holy Ghost. I enjoyed listening to you. May Heavenly Father bless you & family. 👍

  16. Thanks for taking the time to put these together! Amazing gift to be able to tie these scriptures together, and do so cohesively and powerfully, thanks for sharing that with us all!


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