Bad News: New World Player Names & Company Names Remain Global. AGS Working On Potential Solution

New World has now confirmed in multiple posts that player names will remain global for now and the same is true for company names. Due to the staggered release with EU launching before other regions, this is a very unfortunate decision, as it will mean that tons of players will create characters on EU just to lock in their names.
#NewWorld #Name #Company

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DISCORD (New World):
DISCORD (Smite):
Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

Ross Bugden – Ice and Fire
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32 thoughts on “Bad News: New World Player Names & Company Names Remain Global. AGS Working On Potential Solution”

  1. Considering you don't have to wait in queue, you just create the character in 30 seconds then log off and wait for your servers to come up. I don't see much of a problem with that. If we were forced to log into the EU servers and wait in queue to make a character, then that would be an issue. The company name thing however, that's kinda fucked lol. But then again, the people who are focused on reserving a guild name a few hours earlier, is just a small % of the population. No matter what they do, some people won't be happy with it, this is probably the best they can come with, with only a few days left before release.

  2. Yes, it would have been better if each cluster had its own name and auth server but they don't. I just want the game to come out, thank you. This may seem like a huge issue but it's not enough of one to trigger a delay. Many day-one people have the social skills of snow leopards and love to post "First!" in YT comments sections too. They'll be gone, their accounts expired, shortly after they hit level 60 without eating or sleeping and leave 😉

  3. Believe me, I don't want to ruin the experience for the EU playerbase. I've made an obligation though to my company. That obligation comes before the wishes of strangers as unfortunate as that is. I hope AGS figures something out – maybe staggering launches by an hour instead of several.

  4. I fully expect some trolls to take the piss by intentionally taking well known company names from other regions on EU servers if they can, particularly streamer affiliated company names. Pretty brutal on company leaders to have to log in and play on EU to try to avoid this.

  5. U saying worst case scenario😅. Just like all other games. The min max comm destroys it all. Rush this, reserve that… stressed en angry are they gonne be. Fckt up man for u.

  6. This is dumb cus EU servers will be griefed beyond belief.

    Not only the servers will get bombarded by players everywhere to save names.

    For company names, they will overload EU servers (where they have no business playing)

    And finally to add insult to injury, companies will take over territories, increase taxes and then leave. For first 3 days, it will be heavy taxed crafting and housing.

    This is seriously dumb. Just adding a #1234 at the end of the names would have done the trick.

  7. It doesn't sound like you need to log into the server to create the character and save the name you want. The queue triggers after character creation so you can just make a character then back out and wait for your server to launch.

  8. "Locked to an account" means that is locked to everyone but that account, meaning you can delete a char in EU with your name and Instanly name another char the same name. Beside i tested this in the open beta, I started earlier and had to swap servers to play with friends due to queues where I was and I wanted the same name, so deleted and recreated, as easy as that.

  9. I really dont understand why they are fcking around like that instead of doing it like all games did for the past 20 years. Why not just do it with the most simple solution, which is Server locked names. People who will launch on NA server will have their Names, people who wanna play on EU will have their Names.
    Who the fuck on The Dev Team thought, it would be an good Idea to only have Names 1 time IN THE WHOLE WORLD. Like, this is already a decision which leads to me thinking about them not having ANY CLUE about the genre whatsoever.
    ….. AND AS ALWAYS with literally every fucking launch of the world, EU is the fucked up faction with it. Having to deal with Players from the WHOLE WORLD on their Servers.
    Biggest Brains in Amazon. Unbelievable. I bet this Decision is made purely becaus of them fucking big streamers and their fuck names. Because lets be honest, normal players cant give two more fucks. If their Name is taken, guess what, they name themselve differently and go on with heir lifes. But ehhhh, those big streamers that have 200k Viewers are enough reason, to fuck up the whole Launch for one big part of the whole world lol. Fck this shit honestly.

  10. I really do not see a problem here. Everyone outside of europe is crying over the times, lol. eu is always behind when it comes to casual j/kr mmorpgs.. only a few months (or even years > blade & soul 2) later we get to see the game. go thru what we had to go thru…

    people being greedy will definitly f*ck up everbodys game experience. congratulations for being jerks, flooding the servers over a stupid name!


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