Bad driving or police chase? Mom wants answers in daughter's traffic death

D’Asia Monroe, and her boyfriend Deshawn Knowles, died in a crash on March 6 after a Riviera Beach Police sergeant tried to pull the SUV over.


9 thoughts on “Bad driving or police chase? Mom wants answers in daughter's traffic death”

  1. These type of stories just make me mad. What are the details of her personnel file? And its the police fault that her daughter ran? Same with that other criminal on a dirt bike. This is why i continue to say just let the criminals have the streets. You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to be a cop. Bad reporting. The media is the enemy of the people. This place is going to turn into California or texas

  2. This is a left wing crap media story! A lot of USA citizens must surely be regretting their vote (or seriously questioning the validity of the election) when they watch this. The left is never responsible for their actions, it's always everyone else's fault. China and Russia are just sitting back and laughing hard!

  3. What time did this happen? Mom said she woke up next morning and found out. Was she out in the middle of the night driving? Did she really hit someone making a u turn? Things do need to change. Who bears more responsibility the cop or adults in this young girls life? Who's car was she driving without a license? Unfortunately this situation happens alot, young kids running from police ending up in water and drowning.


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