BACKYARD Trapline (Multi Species)

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27 thoughts on “BACKYARD Trapline (Multi Species)”

  1. I had a buddy had that same problem. In a little over a month I took out 23 coon. They were some nice coon. Some were pushing 20 plus pounds. P.S Im not the best trapper. Lol

  2. This is a good highlight on this issue, I like the drone usage. Imagine seeing the damage over time, or waking up and taking a walk and seeing extensive damage. This damage costs $ and time, because those crops do not regrow overnight. Amazing how much damage such a small critter can do.

  3. Good tip about removing factory oil from traps. Really enjoy your channel/videos. This is easy stuff to remember, I remembered the hook types and traps and scents quite easy, yet I cannot remember stuff from a video about math. So weird. When you mentioned the extra pivot points on the J hook, lessening the leg damage, I like that you have a humane side, some trappers do not care.

  4. A cornfield in between mature timber and water. Thats a bad situation. Better not let go any of those small ones around there Stew. I have 75 acres and have not seen a poult in 4 years. 25 coon / opossum a year was not making a dent. Caught 53 last year and there are still tracks. Got to keep up the pressure. You can really see how many are still around during the rut. When there was snow on the ground there was coon tracks tree to tree. Bores looking for dens / sows. Learned that from you.

  5. You did make that look so easy. Makes me wonder how many coons I could have trapped 45 years ago on the nights I ran trot lines with my dad, there were easily 35 to 40 sets of eyes glowing back up on the banks when I shined the light up out of the water. Those are good times to remember.

  6. Great video as usual. Totally appreciate the info. Where I am at its mostly big rats and gophers I deal with. Its amazing how basic sets work for both. Granted I think I have oversized and gone to the 110 Conibear for my stuff. The buggers get out of the old conventional rat traps and gopher traps. Or I setup with bait pile and bright light above me for the really pesky rats

  7. We had 1/2 of a 7 acre corn field look just like that about August. I caught 29 in DPs there in 5 days, to slow it down. Caught another 20 during the actual season. I will be proactive next year, and get out ahead of them on the corn fields.

  8. Good video for all of us Stu..
    Kinda glad season is over, NC got hammered with rain all season long.. Still live trapping canine here but really put the smack down on the egg raiders since nobody was trapping those critters anyways..
    Enjoyed the drone footage as well brother 👍
    Nice Hat !!

  9. Coons are nasty little 💩s People think cute, the way they use their little feetsies and can be trained, but they are very prone to disease and they will eat your child’s sweet cat.

  10. You have a good idea BUT using my experience as a rookie may I suggest . Start with three Z dog proof some cat food coated with bacon geese . Harvest with CCI GREEN Feed to Raptors . Hawks, Owls, and Eagles Make it simple . I enjoy your video's


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