babel has fallen (full dream smp album)

If you told me a year and a half ago that I’d be putting out an album, I’d have laughed. And yet, here we are, and it’s here! I finally finished it! I have been working on this album since Haunted premiered back in December ’21. And now it’s finally done. It’s a bit of a bitter-sweet end of a chapter. But I’m so excited to keep making more musical creations in the future and I can’t wait for you all to see what I have in store for the channel!

Music links
Amazon Prime Music:
iTunes: Babel Has Fallen by Knight of Endale
YouTube Music: link pending

Other KoE Links
Discord server:

An absolutely huge thank you to UnintendedMango. If you didn’t know, she has helped me write almost all of the songs in this album (specifically, “You Dreamed a Dream”, “Prometheus”, “Precipice”, “My Turn to Rise”, “Beloved”, “Heart of Stone”, “Haunted”, “In the End”, and “This Tragedy of Mine”). It has been a joy to work with her over the last year! She also beta-tested the entire album and spent late nights calling me while I finished editing music and videos, so go show her some love! Go subscribe to her YT channel and check out her DSMP creative endeavors on Ao3!

Where to find Mango

Thank you to all of my beta-testers who helped make sure both the music and the video are of the best quality possible.

Thank you to my parents, for not only listening to my music as it has come out over the last year but investing in my pursuits by getting me my own midi keyboard and microphone to improve the quality of my music.

You’re still reading at this point? Wow. Well, anyway, I’m gonna go take a nap now.

0:00 – Genesis 11:4-9
0:47 – 1. You Dreamed a Dream
3:40 – 2. Prometheus
8:29 – 3. Precipice
12:50 – 4. In a Castle on a Cloud
16:30 – 5. Burning Pages
18:53 – 6. My Turn to Rise
23:27 – 7. Forevermore
26:38 – 8. Keep Me Alive
30:06 – 9. Beloved
34:39 – 10. Heart of Stone
38:20 – 11. Haunted
42:06 – 12. Wrong Place, Wrong Time
44:04 – 13. In the End
49:02 – 14. This Tragedy of Mine
54:06 – Credits


22 thoughts on “babel has fallen (full dream smp album)”

  1. Knight, you’ve done it!
    If you told me a year ago I’d be involved in something like this, I’d’ve laughed. But if you told me you would do it, I wouldn’t have doubted you for a second. Your creativity astonishes me, and I’m so glad you’re getting some recognition for it. It’s amazing to see how far you’ve come already, and I look forward to seeing where you head next!
    Thanks for inviting me along for the ride! I look forward to seeing what everyone else thinks when they get to see the full project you’ve been working on for so long.
    See you at the premiere! <3

  2. As much as I absolutely adore this, I do think Prometheus (which is probably my favorite DSMP song) was a bit better in its original cover, so if it's possible could you release the old versions on Spotify and stuff when you can? I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks this… unless I am in which that's fun… I think it's the more abundant echo and simpler orchestra that does it for me. (edit so the journalism student in me doesn't have to look at an orphan)

  3. Dude, this is absolutely incredible. I can’t even express how impressive this is, it’s clear how much work and love and dedication went into this. From the first, iacoac, to ttom and the complete album, it’s been such a ride, and every step has been fantastic to follow along. Congrats on this, you deserve every bit of kudos and love heading your way!!

  4. Along with Prometheus and My Turn to Rise, I wanted to say Haunted was also in my top 3, if only because of the irl memories I now associate with it. But This Tragedy of Mine is beautiful, haunting, and painful. It ties together the album perfectly; you begin with a revamped version of You Dreamed a Dream, which foreshadows a tale of tragedy and humanity—that of the DSMP. You softened My Turn to Rise and lifted Prometheus, which added a layer to the characters whose tales you told—that of hope. And I especially love the sass you gave Conor in Wrong Place Wrong Time. All in all, this is a wonderful creation. I'm proud of you for having done it. And I'm crying a little right now, remembering this tale from beginning to end through your music. Well done, Knight <3

  5. (I was a bit late to say this elsewhere but I started watching and began to cry…)

    Dear Technoblade,
    The war is over and we have finally shed our tears
    some tears still fall and many still come to my eyes.
    The memories you created will remain here and we will make sure….
    that the Legend of the Blade never dies. Thank you
    Your Fans

  6. YOOO THIS IS AMAZING!! Any way to listen to songs individually any time soon? I'm assuming that would be at least when the songs get released on other platforms eventually haha

  7. Oh, wow wow WOW! This album was amazing I love how you remade all of these songs and I really hope you eventually put the two final songs "In the End," and "This Tragedy of Mine" out as solo videos so I can listen to them on loop they are so good, though my favourite is probably still My Turn to Rise.

  8. Man listening to all these songs over, ya outdid yourself! I cannot wait to jam out to these songs on spotify. My turn to rise is by far a personal favorite but well I kinda listened to it a lot after I got out of a bad slump

  9. This is incredible! Listening to all of the songs together makes the connection obvious! You did an amazing job, I love all the songs, but especially the last two since I hadn't heard them before! Love your work.

  10. "This tragedy of mine" est merveilleuse. Quand j'ai compris de qui la chanson parlait, j'ai commencé à pleurer. Et quand j'ai lu le chat en direct, j'ai pleuré encore plus. Et la ligne "Isn't the Mentor supposed to die ?" m'a achevée. Il me manque toujours. Mais c'est comme ça qu'une légende ne meurt pas.


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