Awake Not Woke w/ Noelle Mering

Noelle’s Book:

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00:00 Intro
0:55 Life in Liberal Areas
8:04 Origin of ‘Awake Not Woke’ Book
8:46 History of ‘Woke’
10:36 Woke Movement Mechanics
11:48 Woke Movement Origins
16:24 Proliferation of ‘Woke’ Thought
17:24 Redefining Speech
21:10 Woke Self-Deification
23:43 Catholicism & Movements of the Age
28:40 Focus of ‘Awake Not Woke’ Book
30:03 Effect of ‘Woke’ Propaganda
34:16 Recognizing ‘Woke’ Propaganda
41:00 ‘Woke’ Allies?
43:00 Defining Woke Doctrine
46:30 ‘Woke’ Friends?
48:16 Confronting ‘Woke’ Culture
59:54 Attacks Against Innocence
1:09:50 Whiskey Talk
1:14:00 Corrupted Catholic Schools
1:15:22 Prudent Defense of Truth
1:17:40 Charitability Towards Neighbors
1:21:54 Theology of the Home
1:24:40 Stay at Home Dads
1:30:06 Ideological World Views
1:31:50 Noelle’s Future Works
1:34:40 Laura Horn
1:35:54 Alcohol v Cannabis
1:43:20 Date Nights
1:45:14 TV Shows & Movies
1:47:36 Dark Comedy
1:48:22 Bear Joke
1:52:00 Comedy & Life
1:55:45 Advice for Men Courting
2:03:00 Bear Joke pt 2
2:03:50 Women & Smoking
2:04:48 Some More Jokes
2:10:38 Closing


28 thoughts on “Awake Not Woke w/ Noelle Mering”

  1. I don't like the effect of THC on the brain chemicals involved in memory. It changes the development of the hippocampus in the young according to studies and impairs learning in unborn exposed, the damage appears to be permanent. As a nurse, I think some medical preparations are OK but not recreational use as practiced.

  2. Catholic…do not drink… but still smoke cannibs … and really adore anime. I wish to one day be drug free. Exodus 90 helped me to be cannabis free for the longest period since I was 13 … I'm 29 now. So it's been a lifelong struggle. I never drank only ever smoked. I found it to be less volatile, it enables creative flow states and philosophic states of mind that began me questioning the nature of existence that ultimately led me to questions of God. It switched on a sort of social awareness (not woke lol), a paranoia.. wondering how others feel or perceive you.. it can actually evoke a kind of empathy
    … it softened my hardened heart.
    For the record I am aiming for sobriety in totality so please pray for me.
    Anime on the other hand always carries beautiful messages
    , both naruto and demon slayer have Christ archetypes as the protagonist. The weakest shaming the strong, living life and laying ot down for others… what I loved in anime as a child I found to be the soruce in Catholicism… that said plenty of anime that is haram… not getting behind anime as such bit there are narratives there with beauty.
    Cannabis also is ultimately evil, less evil than alcohol is in its excess. But it can still ruin lives and become an idol. Its always better to have no drugs rather than what is either legal or scoailly acceptable.
    Drugs bad – naruto and demon slayer very – very good. Violent but so to is the path to the crucifix

  3. My grandparents both passed away during Covid. My father is unable to wear a mask for a myriad of personal traumatic reasons.

    The friar who ran the church refused to let my father into the church to comfort my mother mourning her parents.

    I privately had a conversation with the friar and explained that my mother needed her husband to walk with her through it. He said (while not wearing a mask mind you) that my father not wearing a mask was a threat to everyone else in the church. I told him that I thought it was ridiculous that he can say that when everyone else around my father would be masked to fit the rules.

    I will never forget what he said next. “I am the friar. This is MY church, and I make the rules. If he wants to come in- he must wear a mask”.

    I don’t know if I will ever forget the anger I was holding back as I removed my mask to read the gospel during the funeral service.

    St. Mary’s Basillica in Phoenix, AZ. That friar was in violation of his bishops decree that masks and covid would NEVER be a reason to prevent people from participating in the life of the church.

  4. She's great! I was at her speech at Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara California 🎉🎉🎉🎉 it was enjoyable and I would recommend this book along with the anti Marian one on toxic femininity by Carrie.

  5. hi matt ,this is unrelated to the video but i just finished The Brothers Karamazov because you recommended it. it's tied with Lord of the Rings as my all time favorite book. thank you.

  6. It is hilarious to watch typical conservatives fumble over the definition of woke. They do this because they don't take race seriously. Taking race seriously does not mean being obsessed with it or believing that it defines all. Woke does have it's roots in black consciousness but one singularly shaped and informed by marxism and radicalism. MLK was a marxist and it is absurd to assert that MLK was a liberal. To that end, in order to define or describe something honesty is a wonderful starting point.

  7. Thursday's anime recommendations are very based. Ghibli movies are wholesome, Vinland Saga is awesome and it surprised me and continues to in its portrayal of Christianity in Northern Europe somewhat contemporaneous to Leif Erikson(the viking guy who discovered Greenland). It looks like it will be a long series as… Netflix in the US at least is 2-3 seasons in but they are no where close to going to Vinland which was teased from the first episode. Maybe they'll get there before they reach the episode count of One Piece lol.
    One Punch Man is good. Another interesting one to watch that I wouldn't recommend to children but is great for Adults and isn't too long(looking at you One Piece) is Death Note. You might not like it but it's kind of good in the same ways Breaking Bad is good.
    Alot of
    Shonen anime (or a genre aimed at young boys) are about improving oneself and the plot is driven not by a woke agenda but by the idea that they have a goal to reach but they're not strong enough, so they have to go on a journey of improvement, so it's not from a strictly Christian perspective but can be quite wholesome, Boku no Hero no Academia…

    While there are anime out there consumed with porn or violence there are others that are not, and there are anime/manga that are more short form 4 panel stuff and it's a really diverse medium saying 'people who like anime' derisively is somewhat like saying 'people who like books' or 'people who like movies' or 'people who like podcasts' and implying that they are all or even a majority a degeneration into filth, which if you look at the whole across the history of the medium is quite a misrepresentation.

    It's a bit like assuming just because movies like the woke ones today exist, ignoring great films like it's a wonderful life, or 12 angry men, or series like breaking bad etc or so forth.

  8. I love her. She's my hero and i want to be just like her when i grow up. Im almost there, i just don't quite have her patients or calmness yet, but im getting there, with God's help.

  9. Long screed, don't read (had a rough day at work and this is cathartic for me – always appreciate the content, good work all!):
    The entire stay at home dads segment was very important I would say. To use the blanket statement "women should stay home, men should go to work" is, according to the all knowing Flibleene, incorrect. The idea that women didn't work prior to X point in time always makes me irate because that isn't true (thank you Thrsday). Women (and men) often worked from home. There used to be guilds that were exclusive to women. Women had jobs.
    Husbands and wives need to fulfill their specific roles within their family unit. How this manifests itself will be particular to each family even if it often follows particular trends that we can recognize. I always feel that saying "men must do this to be men" is limiting God's infinitude in which we are all individuals, not groups. God has a plan for each of us. We are to fulfill God's role for us, not the role we or society demands of us.
    If you are like me and you find yourself judging other people for how their family operates, consider saying a prayer for them before openly criticizing them. Most people are just trying to do the best they can. (If you've gotten this far, hello!)
    For some context, my wife is a stay at home mom, so no, I am not opposed to that dynamic, but I will vehemently disagree with anyone who says that is the way it should be (as in, asserts that as gospel truth, no qualifications or nuance).
    Now, before you criticize my garbage take on this, please say a prayer for me. THANKS!

  10. Strange name aqurias your aquiesing aye folding. Here have a soft tissues. Klean-X. Money is created from fresh air raised on debt. Ah the atomic blond calls in the hot fuzz hot tub tup pa wares a trunctions dirt bag cutlets bad souchi lee enter the dragon again.❤So explain to a simple ton like me. If money is just a printed notes all copys cats chapter 9 why do we all suffer so bad if were all inthis together. Why do i keep being put down DOGS diss Guss tings. X❤We are the way see do as you choose i must press on wines wanes me and hers. Dora the explorer skinny banana long legs 90° 360° x4 quasars stars. Eye quasimodo said there faces rang bells. Aye just happen to be born with a parrachoots slid down north face eye payments an off peaves eye pea we herman cancers crabs scabies eye scurvies see a pricklys pears eye hives. Herpies shingles chicken pox. X i have no game cutrencies steals kids futures. X stocks exchamge mineral salts dirts ashes earth. X willow warwick davis Top ten answers. Hot Chocolate you sexy thing. My every things. X

  11. Pluto PB solid sofar away solid see you need 444°C double n 36 For Farenhight Kelvin is earth 0- see how hot is the sun 360+ kelvin see 5000°C 10036F ish so put pluto Lead led next to sun you get quick silvers pb lead led solders in flux seas earths wabbles fammelies at war. It takes two to create a human. A child needs a mum n dad. Not to flapper touches clappers teappis2 see and two masculines two femanines can'nt create life they there fore have no idea of the pain a mother n father go through to create that copy of a mum births dads babys. And the covenent has been broken. The ark noahs arks seas. Morning sickness aye sympathise. But the futures insight my eyes. X

  12. Its not a problem wife the abyss. Directors cut. The umbiliacle chords ground control to major Tom. Seas and a gingerWhyngers garfields a tomcat Italion red cattel loans i ears debt it on a pc databace if the enumerator goes off hadron supper colider seas you collide atoms seas microscapies you destroy atoms on the periodic tables. And remind me caviat. Who? Has Periods. I say go back to gay gordens gin hanky pankey. X

  13. Tell them why do you anal eyes to colon is a humans charge like a battery hen its a tight holes. In the wars comstrails poisons airs injections in arms wars by usa all over the worlds manhaton project trinity seas philladelphia experiment. HG Wells the Time machine is space chronus fears. The outers stratasphears. Pluto just dark maters after pluto. In sunlight mercury icurus radionics electronics. Good luck with that. You humans are marring each others.

  14. The confesional box preachers massdibates over your sins then writes to publish in pen names jilly cooper arch bishops miter is a bell end penus trunction sausage. Bobby daxhunds dogs balls scrapies floors woof yap just scratching me fleas chappies. Wigs heres some ticks powders see jets streems chemical toxins. To microburst clouds seeds. Hails hitler. X hails to hit lerts your country needs A Lerts. X Alarms Quasimodoh eye note ra dambs rivers who? Gave you the right to sell waters free. X air is free airs ones views insight see Babys. Makers Mum n BOD bank on Dad. X

  15. How to see your past is where you lost your memories behind you? Do you agree. Look out a window and at 45° you have two mirrors see you can see the back of your head and its infront of my origional views. Its an illusions. However its True?

  16. Only mothers munchousen by proxi. And a proxi service ip over ports http. Direct ports holes harbors safe Fish humans 9 months shapeshifters metamorphs. Sperm omeba amniotics saks like a water bomb H20. H-Bomb. See you now? Know! The truth!

  17. If its not broke why fix it skint. Damian hurst. Skinned a human on tv. To prove largest organ is skin flesh and you eat the body n blood of christ ions blood red wines aborted waters. Enjoy it. Acvleasiastics thelidamide see spastics. X societies. X

  18. Why? Does the brain have a receptor for thcbd but the brain cannot hamdle drugs lithium sodium valporates benzodiasipines. Suns sodium black holes 2 pools your eyes ansorbs all light nothing returns. And you learn nothing. If you have never tried it. What? Gives you the right to comment high hello. X

  19. I met a young lady in macleans she invented the mass debations machine. On the 69th stroke the effing think broke and it whipped her flappers to creams. Double douch. Malcombe Macraren thanks.x

  20. Bronze n list are you stoned micha cows bells ski sunday millers light by 90° shitzinger aye hamiltons a short shift shirt lifter pushing fudge brown bears ursula major minor big n little dipper boppers ugah shacka oggah shaga seas and like magic you hear it cahoonas. A bear walks in a bar it said two angurs bitterns and a worstishires sauce. Who you rabbiting on at connies aye brace. Sees there the bear said hears a bub tails now. The bears said lissten wabbits does kak stick to your fur bugs seas malones said why? Whats up Doc Btown bears Grissly. Eye was a polar bear the the big man in klouds computing tried to dies my haires. Its chocholate linttdores. Eye picked up bugs became wagers wabbits aye howd gods does waffles bambi n thumper James Bond 007. X

  21. Women have no ideas they teach copy me baby we not need men. Now! Look at the state of the world now? Then see tomorow never comes and yesterday you lost. And now? You know? 1gz‰ see men cannot aborts. So 100% eve brokered the Ark of the magdolines Maid Mary on. Marion. CC. Grand mar see what big eyes you have? This black widdows leans over the casskits a pletherah of spiders bulging in her cammel toes to a bear. Eye koala blobs nose eucalips tuska eye wallruss hears northen lights aye lad elfs on ice shelfs and ex on validates alaska and she said fuq off. I said never on first dates figures 36 28 36. I said blow me barbi doll its an african gray. Big ears. X two fangs eye nuts figs fruits bats terrafilldoes. Duckyplatypussys curlers tasmanian devils. Cartoon porn Leylines Leylands sounds of silence. X

  22. Overall a good conversation, but I have to point out the absurdity of one thing she said (and matt, being a gentleman, didnt go after her for) – that it's basically ok for a wife to reject her husband sexually because men are built to take the rejection, whereas it "isn't normal" for husbands to reject their wives' sexual advances. Totally absurd and only reinforces the misconception that men can be rejected at any time and for any reason and it's totally ok because woman.


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