Auto Workers on Strike as Deadline Passes Without A Deal

The deadline set by the United Autoworkers Workers (UAW) Union to reach a deal with the big three US automakers has come and gone without reaching a settlement. Targeted but limited strikes at US plants have now begun as the union seeks to apply pressure while holding back from an all-out strike at all facilities. This follows other high profile labor disputes at airlines, railroads, and UPS earlier this year that saw labor win major concessions from employers following years of runaway inflation that has eaten away at the spending power of wages.

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38 thoughts on “Auto Workers on Strike as Deadline Passes Without A Deal”

  1. Unfortunately striking is a thing of the past. People aren’t solidified. My father was a teamster you cross that line there was problems. I remember when the elevator division went on strike and one of the electricians crossed the line. People are gonna do what they got to do to feed their families. A lot of these other industries needed workers so they settled. The American car companies are not selling. They can hold out on hopes the Union folds.

  2. They want the impact of the layoffs without having to lay off people-the strike gives them downtime to see if the economy really is going to turn the corner and come back…. a huge percentage of production that has been shifted over to electric vehicles is heavily subsidized-they won’t cut their margins in those areas. also car demand has started to crest and they can see right now what’s coming ahead of them-inventories are way up because the car manufacturers have been anticipating this, and they want to make sure they have enough inventory to ride out a couple months of DownTurn- that’s what I’m hearing from my friends in the auto industry and from third-party manufactures/ Nashville is an automotive production hub and we have a lot of automotive here.- look at the profit margins of Nissan. They’re down something like 80% year over year.

  3. It kills me how many minorities and blue collar workers think Biden is their boy
    and he has his sleeves rolled up and is out there fightin' for the little guy everyday.
    Truly sad to see how people don't learn how the poverty cycle just keeps repeating.

  4. The strike is gonna improve the auto company’s EBITDA.
    Slowing down the production of cars that don’t sell well sounds like something the autos would have to do anyway

  5. Maybe… Another way to see it… Biden's effort to throttle the fossil fuel industry and promote his climate change b.s. at our expense is paying off… for his crowd. It's not inflation (actual), it's an increase in prices caused by Administration-forced scarcity.

  6. Good luck to the American car workers, if they can get the payrise they want. Always makes me laugh when workers criticise works for holding out for more money. And they wonder why they get shat on so regularly & with so much impunity by societies elites lol

  7. Jack, not that long ago I would not have agreed with your stance on the UAW striking. Now I agree 100%. Everybody should get theirs because the 1% have never stopped getting theirs. Anyway, I hope they get 36% and maybe it’ll bring down this whole federal reserve Frankenstein fiat experiment once and for all.

  8. Great show. I'm nobody who pays attention, but your not reading enough into which models (of Ford) is profitable or not right now (noting that sales are plummeting in general with high lending rates and cash strapped non-fleet consumers).

  9. You are full of crap. UAW has had it good for to long. I have worked in GM plant, I have seen how they operate. Union workers clock in and go to sleep, do coke on the job, assault each other on the job, sexual assault on the job. The union blocks police while the workers are on property, allows the workers to leave. Damage foreign vehicles on the property, union allows this. Im surprise they even able to produce a quality amount of vehicles. Union workers cant make a living wage? Low level-$38 an hour, high level $110 an hour. Give me a break. Most American vehicles are trash because of the auto workers, the quality. Just look at the recalls and the prices.

  10. OR Phoenix workers want the jobs at the new Taiwan semiconductor plant in northern Phoenix We don't want Chinese workers imported in to take those jobs, like at allthe Intel plants here. So I think there's a standoff with labor right now there.

  11. The strike doesn't concern me, but the issuance of a mandated work stoppage with their Supplier base., ie ripple effect could inadvertently affect other industries. Many shared supplier base.


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