Australia’s military not capable of ‘taking on’ Houthi rebels in the Red Sea: Canavan

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan says Australia doesn’t have a military that can “take on “ the Houthis in the Red Sea.

The federal government has handed down its review of the Australian naval fleet, which shows it will increase from 11 ships, all the way to 20.

The new surface fleet strategy will cost $11.1 billion over a decade.

Mr Canavan told Sky News host Steve Price that our military is “so focused” on net zero emissions.

“We can’t even put any of our boats on the water at the moment, we’re so hopeless.”


32 thoughts on “Australia’s military not capable of ‘taking on’ Houthi rebels in the Red Sea: Canavan”

  1. Australia's military has been upgraded in forty yesrs. Whats new Labor has announced an $11 billion dollar upgrade. Not the coalition, they gave all this money to companies like Chevron for failed CCS scheme.

  2. And our MSM keeps highlighting that fact 😱 … letting other countries now your militaries weaknesses is leaving Australia open to trouble … can’t even stop a fishing trawler from entering our waters … so how would we stop another country, say, China, from setting their sights on testing our limitations … Australia use to be a country that commanded respect … it’s now consists of a tinpot military and aviation fleet and incompetent decision makers hell bent on making this once great country an utter laughing stock around the world … I love this country I have lived in for over 60 years and I have never seen it in such disarray 😞

  3. What almighty wanted more better for what human wanted and what Will be happen on this day also what will be happen on to morrow in a goodness or in a badness it Will be happen as almighty law or as human law in the way we know or in the way we don't know ,
    Something has been writen on to morrow as a fate becouse what human wanted
    Something will be happen on to morrow as a destiny becouse human law

  4. This government needs to ensure all corporations pay their taxes in full and it should also immediately scrap the stage three tax cuts and use the funds that will be freed up to spend a great deal more on rapidly improving the capabilities of our defence forces. It is not beyond the ability of Australians to understand that we lack fuel reserves and don’t even have the capacity to manufacture our own munitions. This government must also ensure that it compels foreign multinationals to pay their fair share of taxes on the resources extracted from our soils.

    Australia's military is far too small to achieve the task required of it as it is vastly dwarfed in terms of numbers of personnel and equipment by all of its neighbours. How can we defend ourselves when we don’t even have the capacity to manufacture our own munitions?

    This is the result of decades of underfunding and neglect by our politicians who prefer to focus on quality of lifestyle type issues at the expense of fundamental matters of existence. Enabling this strategic apathy and negligence is the misguided belief that US military power is nearly unlimited and globally dominant and that it would automatically come to the defence of Australia should any of her neighbours attack her.

    The US is not obligated under the ANZUS Alliance to send troops or equipment to our aid in the event of an attack upon us. They are only obligated to engage in talks with us and nothing more. We must provide for our own defence.

    Our politicians need to explain to the public that rights and privileges go hand in hand with responsibilities, one of which is the defence of the nation. We need to introduce national service and link its completion by individuals to their right to access the many benefits of being a citizen of this country.

    Australia is an under-armed country that needs to spend a great deal more on defence than it has in the past. We need to spend our wealth on building up our military instead of allowing foreign corporations to sell off our mineral wealth and pay nothing in tax and, in some cases, even receiving taxpayer-funded handouts. Most of all, we need to invest in developing our own nuclear weapons capability instead of giving our wealth away to tax avoiding corporations.

  5. The rest of the world is getting wise to the leaders of Australia , they believe when they get into an alliance it is Australia's Ally that is required to give them military equipment, maintain the equipment, fuel the equipment and protect Australia from its enemies. Australia wants it's allies to build the Naval bases and bases and maintain these bases in Australia. Meanwhile the leaders of Australia are just going to build solar panel fields and windmills and virtue signal their greenness to the world. The world is starting to get wise to you Australia.


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