Australia's elites 'devoted to running down their own country'

China must think we’re a country that has “lost its will to live”, says Sky News host James Morrow.

“I’m not just talking about our energy policy, which seems to be deliberately calibrated to weaken our ability to manufacture and extract resources and generally be a rich and secure nation,” Mr Morrow said.

“No, I’m talking about what’s going on culturally.

“To put it bluntly, can you think of another nation whose elites are more devoted to running down their own country as Australia?”


28 thoughts on “Australia's elites 'devoted to running down their own country'”

  1. Always money before principles.
    Australians be assured.
    China will eat Australia for breakfast.
    And what about the Port of Darwin.
    Mr. Albanese? What’s happening about your election promise?
    You to Ms Wong? What’s happening about Australia’s most northern sea port?

  2. The entire west is being destroyed on the energy levels ,values level(woke bullshite), financial markets, voice to parliament. Our constitution. And the list goes on. You will own nothing and be happy. The families that are having their properties seized for a rediculous park in a basically waterless erea is just the start. They will take all your properties op if you can keep the houses “energy efficient” according to new standards they will introduce.

  3. Penny Wong is out of her depth in the big world of foreign ministers and diplomacy.. Wong wanted to kick the Russian ambassador etc out of Australia altogether!!! Can you imagine? She also walked out on the Russians ambassadors Lavrovs speech in tears. So much for diplomacy!!.also she stated she was making a stand about human rights in the world without looking in her own backyard for many decades past. Then the New Guinea PM said he wasn't going to be bullied by Australia or the US , so much for Wongs diplomacy.Wong needs to realise she is not in the Australian small senate swill pool now she has to swim in a big pond and her aggressive tactics don't work there.

  4. the elites in Canada, NZ & the USA are also deliberately running their countries down. the EU is doing the same, in fact all nations are doing the same. the elites controlling our political parties are the UN & the WEF. these institutions & many more like them are mere gofers for the world elites who are now ramming their world govt down our throats. they comprise the old robber barons such as the rockefellers & carnegies, the bankers such as the rothschilds who control the world's reserve & federal banks & royalty such as the british, dutch & sweden. they sit at the top of the pyramid & are never to be spoken of. china is integrated into them as well.

  5. Having the country and our state run by the Labour Government is bad enough, but having the country run by the Labour and Greens is bloody horrendous. For as long as they have been in existence the Green Party has been trying to destroy the country, and for quite some years now so has the Labour Party. Now they have got together there will be no stopping them

  6. This is all the WEF playbook: rundown your country till it is completely BROKEN, then the WEF will bring in the GREAT (COMMUNIST) RESET, & you will own nothing & you will [are commanded to] be happy. Therefore RESIST OR BE SUBJUGATED by the global elites

  7. Rupert Murdoch! 91+ years old and circling the drain faster and faster each and every single day. The parties around the. world will be numerous and huge on that great day when this shit stain on humanity is gone!!!!!!!


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