Australia's defence issues will 'take more than a review to fix'

Sky News host Chris Kenny says the Albanese government has announced there will be a new defence review which will look into “the nation’s defence capability and preparedness”.

“These are perilous times, our defence procurement, especially when it comes to submarines, has fallen way behind schedule and we are vulnerable,” he said.

“But it’ll take more than another review to fix it – especially when the Labor government’s mates, the Greens they depend upon as the balance of power party in the senate, talk like this about the crucial switch to nuclear submarines.”


32 thoughts on “Australia's defence issues will 'take more than a review to fix'”

  1. Australia is effed. Too many woke jokes running the place. My parents, grand parents and great grandparents all served Australian defence force. I will barrack for the Australias enemy if the apartheid gets in.

  2. There are many issues affecting the current state of the ADF in its preparedness for armed conflict.
    * Successive budget cuts;
    * continual military involvement in areas of little or no strategic concern;
    * abysmal recruiting strategy;
    * capital equipment procurement failures; and
    * incompetent management heavily affected by political interference.

  3. That train left the station years ago Australia has been living in la, la land for the past 2 decades & relies on Uncle Sam to much. Adam bandt is Australia Joe Biden.

  4. Scrap the manned submarine fleet as they are now a redundant weapons platform. Invest in long range supersonic-cruise hypersonic missile carriers. Build tactical nuclear weapons to take out eastern seaboard and island bases and please no clowns tell me here that we do not have the technology infrastructure or knowledge base to effect a technology transfer from the US and UK. Anti Ballistic Missile batteries, Japanese electric subs for inshore protection, do a deal with the USAF and get those B1s with spares and munitions and nuclear missile rotary launchers, buy Israeli submersible drones and let them loose in the submarine channels, especially off New Caledonia and Cook Strait. There is only one rule when it comes to the ADF and that is whatever the ADF Generals recommend supported by THE defence contractors then do the bloody OPPOSITE.

  5. Russia 🇷🇺 asked many times to join NATO and China 🇨🇳 has never attacked anyone,asking the International Community for co-operation, towards harmony stability and growth!!!
    Whom then America 🇺🇸 would have to fight⁉️
    The vampire 🧛‍♂️ Empire is surely coming to an End ,after World War III for the better of Humanity!

  6. We don't need yet another review led by the worst defence minister ever that will, like the ones before it, waste precious time that we no longer have. We need a much larger defence force armed with nuclear weapons and their delivery systems.

    Governments, on both sides of politics in this country, are elected promising all sorts of outcomes, only to do nothing while they serve out their time in office before passing the problem of ongoing decline onto the next government, who then repeat the same process. It doesn’t bother them that our living standards have been in long-term decline as they lie to the public while assisting wealthy tax-avoiding interests to pilfer our national resources such as our gas.

    The wealth from those pilfered resources could have been used to build the sort of defence capability needed to defend this country. Instead, we have the nonsense of governments like, for example, Labour who sat on the submarine question when they were last in office for six years and did nothing before passing it on to the next government. That is why we still don't have a contract for replacement submarines.

    We have been badly served by both sides of politics in this country because they are beholden to donor interests, many of whom are not Australian in their motivation.

  7. He is likely right. A World with a brand new Hydrogen economy decentralized world energy will make the idea of highly dangerous, highly radioactive polluting but high efficiency nuclear energy futile. Mark my words, when the last drop of oil is gone we will be clamouring for combustible clean burning green hydrogen. Green Hydrogen is like the salad lunch you know you must eat for your hearts health but dont want to….eventually you know you will. Hydrogen subs, shipping and Jets will soon be ubiquitous.


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