Australian Navy boost is ‘too little too late’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says the federal government has handed down its “long awaited” review of Australia’s naval fleet.

Mr Kenny said it is committing to “double” the number of warships.

The warship fleet will increase from 11 ships all the way to 20.

The new surface fleet strategy will cost $11.1 billion over a decade.

“Many experts say it’s too little too late,” he said.


26 thoughts on “Australian Navy boost is ‘too little too late’”

  1. There’s no boost to the Navy, just another dumb arse consultancy costing the tax payers shit loads to come up with a fantasy that will never come to reality.
    Instead of just building the Hunter and include the increased VLS capacity.
    Frikken dumb arse politicians

  2. Diplomacy with China……? Did they brief us when they commenced building their current fleet of 62 Destroyers, 58 Frigates, 150 Missile Boats and 83 Submarines including their 11 Nuclear Missile Submarines (that is ARMED with nukes, not just powered by a reactor)….? I guess not! Labor are total and utter stooges when it comes to Defence!

  3. Be 20 years down the track before anything happens and we have some ships 🤷‍♂ what a bunch of w⚓, I can see all the diggers rolling over in their graves now and saying wtf did we fight for

  4. Yes ..thanks to SCOMO the genius and johny Howard we have no officers trained 👏 excellent work libs almost lost the Solomons and now we borrow naval commanders from Canada..usa. a Collins class sub that is captained by an Australian??? Zero ..complete imbeciles! Will take 10 yrs to build up the knowledge. Dumbest prime minister in Australian History 🙄 a giant among dopes

  5. Now Australian navy needs ghost ships ..should have hired the retired admiral from USA God knows we need naval officers like a chair needs legs ..dumbest decade of liberal leadership in 40 decades. Absolutely 💯 rejects of history. Conservative no action no doers for at least 10 us sitting on there hands ..biggest risk to Australia since ww2 and they didn't notice …Duh morons qill pay in history books IF WE SURVIVE TO WRITE THEM ✍

  6. Our government is a joke.Its ok to say in the year whatever we are getting new military vehicles but that will be no use when we are invaded.The other problem is nobody wants to join the defence forces anymore.As a country we are screwed in every way.

  7. Why did Peter Dutton leave this problem in his in tray unattended? Too little – too late – who was in power for the last nine years – the LNP – why did the bastions of conservative defence practices not sort this out during their time in office. Why did the LNP leave the heavy lifting to Labor?

  8. The only way out now to go even stevens in a war is 1- national service, 2- huge amounts of long range mobile and land based missiles 3- firrarm training for all citizens and 4 – replace the govt for people who care about the country. Use our resources- age of entitlement is over. Adapt or dissapear.

  9. Yeah, just like the so called Army upgrade, the next government will shitcan the plan reduce it to 2 and give the rest to trans/woke
    Aboriginal funding to offset the rising price of illegal drugs, Smokes and booze.
    Or, waste it on changing shit no one wants changed like the flag or the constitution.
    They will NEVER do anything that is actually useful.

  10. The Challange with this is ;
    The ratio of ships in action to ships needed to keep one in action is 3:1.
    So, under this new plan, you will have one Hobart, Two Hunters, and three ( as yet unidentified frigates) ready for action.
    So, now you take those 6 ships and send it against China's 300.
    Wonderful idea.

    Try this ; ABC ( Australia, Britain, Canada)
    Up the Hunter purchase to 12 Units, because you need them to counter the Chinese subs.

    Work with Britain and Canada on the new Type 83 AAW destroyers ( which will carry X 2 the number of missiles as the Hobarts. Build 12.

    Purchase , off the shelve, 12 of the new Japanese OPV vessels. At $ 50 million per unit, you can not go wrong.

    Sell the Hobart's as the Type 83 come online.

    Give the Aufursal class to the Coast Guard, because that is all it is really good for.

    Regards subs;
    Simply go with the Astutes class. Direct purchase the first three from Britain, and build the balance in Australia. Get the Canadian's involved, they are looking for 12 Subs as well, there is a potential to build 12 more for them in Australia.

    That way, you will actually have something in the water before 2050 – by which time, we will all be eating Dimsum and speaking Cantonese anyway.

  11. Remember when Abbott announced 12 submarine? Then Turnball announced the crazy French plan? Then Morrison admitted it was a complete mess finally scrapped the whole plan? $10B flushed down the drain for nothing! Then the Libs decided Virginia Class subs in 2040 or 2050 would be fine and dandy! Let’s not even start on the Arafura class – “warships” built by a luxury Yacht builder! There MUST have been a kickback there! How much did Morrison over run the Hunter Class budget? I think they lost $20B on that stuff up! The ALP has negotiated for Virginia class subs in 8 years! They’ve got the Hunter Class back on track. And now they’ve announced a doubling of the fleet! Let’s hope your Lib mates don’t get back in and stuff it all up again!


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