Australian Immigration News 10th June 23. Changes to the 482 visa ahead; 189 invitation round detail

Is the Migration System Broken or just poorly managed?
482 visa holders to get safeguards
189 Invitation round details
Visa System too complicated?
Australian Immigration Law Services is based in Sydney and provides visa and related services. Karl Konrad, our Founder, has over 24 years of experience and leads a team of MARA-registered migration specialists. Our team provides honest and accurate advice.

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The information provided is a general guide and does not constitute legal or immigration advice; there are many regulations that may apply depending on each individual’s circumstances alongside changes in the industry. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the currency of information. Those seeking advice should engage a MARA-registered migration agent.


46 thoughts on “Australian Immigration News 10th June 23. Changes to the 482 visa ahead; 189 invitation round detail”

  1. In my opinion, the Australian visa system is comprehensive and should remain so. Applicants should take the blame for failing to understand and articulate the rules including the "fine print". Thanks to this channel, most of everything regarding the process is simplified. You deserve a Bells Karl.

  2. Hi Karl, your videos are always super helpful!
    I am in the investment banking industry with over 10yrs experience, below 40yrs of age and exploring a move to Australia. Howver I don't see much about my profession in the PR stats, it's usually all about medical, teaching and engineering professions. What do you think are prospects in my field to get a PR in Australia?

  3. Can you please clarify for me and for many others who are holding a 491.
    Do we need 3 financial years of prouf of income and 3 calendar years since the visa was granted?
    My 491 was granted on 11/06/2021
    When am I illegible to apply for the 191, and what else do I need to provide?
    Thank you for your time!

  4. I am earning more than 200k Aud and no streamline route for a permanent visa this is issue in aus immigration system. If someone in any other immig system what high salary threshold they may get a smooth route to pr😢

  5. Hello All, I'm on 485 extension visa at the moment, and it expires on Dec 8, 2023. I'm just wondering if I'm eligible to apply for Covid Visa, two year extension which announced last month. Thanks in advance.

  6. It would be really helpful to let skill nominated 190 people to work in different states according to situations with a reason why the person want to change. Just hoping.
    Thanks Karl

  7. Thanks Karl for advocating for 491 holders. I feel you're the only Aussie thinking about us 😂 I hope immigration minister watches your show. I'll be eligible for 191 next month

  8. I have a friend who made a successful move to Canada because their points system for migration is actually easy.

    Mere mastery of the languages in Canada allows professionals with 3 years experience to migrate.

    Then there are European countries that attract a lot of investors globally that have a non-employer sponsored VISA and no minimum income requirement.

    Australia is the easiest country to move to in Asia-Pacific first world for migration despite broken system.

  9. Hi Karl, love your videos and deep knowledge about the Australian immigration system. There's a lot of people like me on 482 DAMA which don't know what's going to change for us, any chance there will be a video or a par of a video dedicated to DAMA labour agreement 482 and 186 for new immigration laws? Thanks again Karl

  10. Thank you for great and informative video
    what i see from here now you will have 150k subscribers on your channel by the end of the year nd praying for this too
    bcz the way you working hard and raising voice for us
    i wish you would have subscribers in millions

  11. LNP built every visa requirement upon a platform of discrimination, with every intention to use people and to eventually fail those people, to drain them then send them back to where they came from. Anyone else, not welcome in the first place, was obstructed, delayed indefinitely, capped and queued, or unfairly rejected on trumped-up grounds and with little recourse for them other than the thoroughly corrupt AAT composed almost entirely of ExLiberal Staffers. Labor is a bit slow in recognising the true extent of The LNP's multilayered corruption, it's hard to comprehend how low Morrison and Co sunk, in order to conform Australian Rules and Regulations, to suit their Quasi Religious Neoliberal Right Wing Agenda. Insufficient safeguards were ever put in place, because when original laws were conceived no-one anticipated extreme moral depravity from Officials in High Office. Labor still doesn't quite comprehend it, even now. Time to thoroughly overhaul Immigration Regulation, and to idiot-proof it for the future, and we must immediately review unjust Newly Arrived Residents' Mandatory Waiting Periods, which leave them without any support whatsoever when in difficult circumstances.

  12. Hi Karl,
    Is it true that TSS 482 visa holder will have six months instead of 60 days? when it will be applicable.
    I am in a situation and looking new nomination.
    Please advice

  13. Hi Karl, Thanks and so glad that you remembered my comment and highlighted in this week video. About income threshold for 491 holders to become eligible for 191, it is mentioned as taxable income (which is assessable income minus tax deductions). So, 491 holders may not be able to avail any tax deductions for work related expenses such as travel between work places, work tools, any work related training expenses, professional membership fees, personal super deductions, work clothing and footwear expenses etc., during tax return filing as this will reduce their taxable income and hinder in PR eligibility. That's an additional burden for 491 holders to make them pay more tax and denying the deductions that otherwise are eligible for. Shdn't they keep this as assessable income instead of taxable income?

  14. I've lived in Canada for 7 years, but I am originally from the US. Family went to Australia for 5 weeks and we didn't want to leave. I felt more at home in Australia than I ever have in Canada….we looked into moving there but it seemed like a long shot. Is there a need for tech workers in Australia??

  15. Hi Karl, do you know if they are planning to change the 482 visa policy for 2 years experience out of the last 5 years. My father has 21 years experience but only 16 months in the last 5 years due to covid. Thank you

  16. Hey Karl
    I have an question and its very important. In my case i am studying a bachelors at an Australian university abroad, and i am planning on transferring to Australia in the February 2024 session. Where if the transfer is successful i will have 4 semesters and 16 subjects left to graduate university (Possibly around December 2025). In my case, would i be eligible for a post study work visa.

  17. Hello Mr. Karl…I am really happy to watch your video regularly and getting good information from it…I have one question…I have lodged my 491 visa from overseas and waiting for outcome…which other visa I can apply from overseas to get early entry in Australia and stay their up to my 491 grant…

    Your suggestions is highly appreciated

    Thank you.

  18. Hi Karl, you are legend your videos and guidance are very helpful for a lot of ppl like us,

    I have a query , if after lodging 190 visa while waiting for grant being onshore can we change job and is it required to inform this as change of circumstances. Im getting mixed answers in other platforms. TIA. And keep it up good work ❤

  19. Hi Karl. I got my 190 NSW application picked up and i submitted all documents by March 3rd. Can you please let me know in how much time can i expect the invitation if everything goes well?

  20. Hi thanks for all that you do! If I am already CA ANZ qualified I.e my work experience is recognized and I've got the qualification would I still have to submit a formal skills assessment with CA ANZ for the 189?

  21. Please speak up for people who stayed and worked during lockdown, there’s definitely no other option left behind if they remove 408 visa since employers not really willing to sponsor their workers


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