Australia needs to ‘protect itself’ against China’s military capabilities

Sky News Senior Political Reporter Trudy McIntosh says there needs to be an “ability to protect ourselves” against China’s “military capabilities”.

The AUKUS deal will be a huge expenditure over the next three decades and will provide military defence for Australia, Ms Mcintosh said.


37 thoughts on “Australia needs to ‘protect itself’ against China’s military capabilities”

  1. You don’t have to repeat the same China threat gig for like 500 times a day 😂😂😂. This clearly shows desperation to sell the lousy submarine deal to the unwitting Australians.

  2. This is bullcrap which the military indusyrial complex is forcing upon australians. It just proves who is in the empire. They didnt care when the chinese people drove the housing market up the corrupt dogs.

  3. If you don't allow the citizens to arm themselves then you are allowing them to be slaughtered. That's treason as far as I am concerned, and you should face the gallows for that.

  4. Australia doesn't have to mindlessly join the US in its warmongering games against China. Australia is not under threat of attack by China and so doesn't need to "protect itself" against China. China has no intention whatsoever of threatening Australia. Make friends with China, be good and fair trading partners, practice diplomacy, and you'll have no need to waste hundreds of billions of taxpayers' dollars on submarines you don't need. The US is the world's number one terrorist nation and it is the greatest threat to world peace. Just say no, Australia, and be a force for peace in the world.

  5. A. I think I'd reconsider or reevaluate placing the nuclear waste materials in South Australia… I'd consider some island defense land downwind from Australia [IN CASE…] Better safe than sorry to the tech leap you are trying to have South Australia take with the subs as well the space port side of matters… If, God forbid, a accident happened there it's for certain be a risk to those things…
    B. People are concerned about juggling 3 types of subs in Australia and the ability to do so… Firstly it's doable… Secondly it won't be needed for a extended time period…
    C. And thirdly AUKUS is not only about technology sharing amongst three Ally Nation but is also a new platform of which all three Nations will be innovating and creating new AUKUS related future lines of hardware and vessels or planes… The longer term goal for AUKUS is interoperability and interchangeability… Meaning eventually all three Nations will be formulating, innovating, creating, and building these platforms themselves to fit their required regional or AUKUS needs… Meaning like was mentioned with the SSN-AUKUS program where eventually these different lines of subs will become one longer term… So to wonder how three subs now supposedly isn't wise is overlooking the way the three Nations will be utilizing the same platforms across the AUKUS spectrum as they are now with such programs like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter… It will be a across the board utilized platform of hardware… Because thats what interoperability and interchangeability in a united force is all about… Three in one and or one cohesive force all on the same page…

  6. Really, what utter WEF globalist BS. the biggest threat to this world are the US NATO cabal, with their incessant warmongering since WW2, and have lost all of them lol, for their now collapsing Empire. May I remind you, that the US has over 900 bases worldwide, some illegal, especially in Syria, part of the middle East they destroyed and 200 surrounding China!! Whom the last time I looked haven't threatened anyone lol. Don't be lapdogs to the US Hegemony, you're being lied to.

  7. What a slap in the face to the hard working australian chinese community. RASCIST GRUBS. 5 subs are going to stip an invasion. How dare you say that the chinese are going to attack australia.

  8. 01) Stop the elite few from selling Australia's resources to China so China can build more military might to take us over
    02) Bring back our factories and our jobs so we can support ourselves and manufacture the goods we need to be independent (more tax money as a result)
    03) Support our primary producers and kick the Chinese businesses and parties out of owning anything in Australia so our food is for us (more tax money as a result)
    04) Teach all students in High School skills and industries that will best protect and service the interests of our nation and our ability to continue to live they way we are
    05) Build and use Nuclear Power Plants combined with renewable / clean energy sources to ensure we have a better and more reliable power grid
    06) Bring back mandatory conscription for all able bodied people at the age of 18 for a minimum of 2 years so they are able to defend our nation should we go to war
    07) Cease importing cheap trash from China for all our goods and services because it does not last and we need to stop funding China and their war machine which includes the economic war
    08) Ban all Chinese Social Media Platforms, including those ones that are shadow owned by Chinese Businesses in part by majority or in full because they are spying on every single user
    09) End Globalism and bring back Nationalism.. 'China Number One'.. so it is time we all said Australia Number One!!
    10) End the woke dribble and rot that has eroded and eaten away at our core values and principals that made our western nation(s) great
    11) Bring back the roles and rights of men because woke clowns and entitled snobs don't fight in real wars and our boys and men need something to value to fight for should we go to war
    12) Find every elite grub who has sold this nation out for Chinese money and remove them from their roles of power because they have served the wrong nation for their own profits and interests

  9. Australia had better start buying up cambodia and Vietnam bcse China is and its another close encroachment that will challenge our borders. then seize their Australian assets, like ports electricity and farms, dairies, mines and construction.

  10. One question: Knowing how China behalves in recent times, does Australia wants to be part of the CCP politically and China geographically in the future????? No??? Then protect yourselves for f' sake!

  11. I wish my country, Canada, would realize the depths of CCP infiltration into our country and do something about it like you, our friends down under, are coming to terms with. Sadly, our PM is the son of his father, who was a leftist himself. So, no help there from our own " Liberal" government, to recognize the threat to us. Go get ' em Australia!

  12. no it doesnt. but the usa is trying to use australia again in a future war. watch the aust gov be first in line to send australians to their deaths for the usa

  13. Making such an aggression move will only escalate the fire and put Australia as a target even further. If Australia really wants to protect itself it will abandon the deal and not participate in a war alliance. This is only having the opposite effect by raising tensions in the arm and causing a nuclear arms race. Also enjoy wasting 368 billion for 8 secondhand old junk subs. This is essentially a dump off by the master who wants a tributary tax from its puppet to fund its future war ambitions. Australia should wake up and have the courage to stop being used.

  14. Okuda AU Green policy. The local conflict in Ukraine allowed the Greens (Modern Schutzstaffel) to accelerate their dream of destroying the Western industry, economy, prosperity for the sake of establishing the dictatorship of the Green elite, the maniacs. Start total armament and World War.
    The Nazis began an accelerated transition to renewable energy. The party program (Greens) was founded by the Nazis in the Reichstag elections of 1933), Slogans of switching to wind energy and using wind to produce hydrogen.
    The catalyst for this energy revolution in the Nazi Party was an “us versus them” mentality and a fundamental reaction to the “original sin of the industrial revolution”—a revolution that vastly improved the standard of living of mankind and was made possible by coal. But when the Nazi Party fell in 1945, the Nazis and neo-Nazi environmental leaders had to find new ways to continue their "energy revolution." Later, the same party officially became the German Green Party in 1980, which led to the "greening of Germany", ultimately the "greening of Europe", and is not based on science, but on the insane green ideology of the Nazis. Its founders in 1980 were also Nazis involved in Kristallnacht.
    The leftist government of the EU, AU, let's say it destroys its entire population EC, AU, with the exception of the LGBT, of course, the impact on climate change on the earth of 510.1 million km² will be zero.
    In the plans of the Green leaders of AUKUS, the destruction of industry, animal husbandry, and so on. In their opinion, this is the road to absolute power, their dictatorship.
    It is exclusively about the control of the population by the Western elite, which they tried to carry out with the help of Communism, Nazism and Socialism.

  15. War with China? This is a world war with millions of victims. AU, bases in the Philippines, Taiwan – the bridgehead of the US Army in the war with China will need to be destroyed by China in the first 10 minutes of the start of the conflict.

  16. Not imaginary AU nuclear submarines, but a real group of Russian nuclear submarines occupied a deployment around the United States. AU appears to be independently able to defeat China. Three categories of citizens can seriously prepare for a World War with China. 1 Patients in psychiatric hospitals. 2 Media stars 3 AU government members.


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