Australia BLUNDERS ON with EV mandates as rest of world BACKS OFF | MGUY Australia

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44 thoughts on “Australia BLUNDERS ON with EV mandates as rest of world BACKS OFF | MGUY Australia”

  1. Something I and many others, have not considered:
    Recently, i parked in the shopping center carpark.
    As i was preparing to exit, i noticed a couple in a small car beside me. As i exited my car, there was no noise nearby, that might have otherwise suggested, their car was 'running'.
    As i began to walk past their car it moved, silently and suddenly, without ANY warnings or indication 😬
    So, is it only a matter of time before folks are being knocked down or much worse, because we can't hear them 🧐🤔😬

  2. What are the emission standards for Australia 2025?

    The standards would progressively reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new light vehicles to 105g/km in 2025, almost half the current level of 192g/km. This 2025 standard would broadly bring Australia into line with the United States, and still trail the tighter European Union targets by several years.

  3. All manufacturers declare no more vehicles will be sold to Australia, no more car parts or any other part will be sold to Australia. You start shutting down all car dealers, no more truck parts will be sold to Australia. Within 2 weeks elections are held and the labor party prosecuted, fined and gaoled for criminal negligence

  4. Sky News is Australia is known as quite right wing and incites hatred towards anyone who believes in climate change and tries to do something about it. It's scary how selfish this attitude is. I'm no raving leftie, but I can see we must act on climate change or face the catastrophic consequences.

  5. Most of our politicians don't care if they make our lives worse because they don't have to worry about cost living all affording a house to buy or rent. It's about time that any politician found guilty of profiting or making more than there salary should be jailed like rest of us.

  6. You had me in your earlier videos.. but this one “dependable, clean coal power stations” and “unreliable wind and solar” is just pure garbage. Shame on you. The energy grid should be a mix of sources… wind, solar are a part of nuclear, coal and other legacy production. You seem to be just another hack.

  7. What a brilliant Labor Plan, make it economically impossible for Car manufacturers to build the small number of vehicles for teh Australian Market. Result only Elbows best Mate Xi's self immolating cars can be imported and sold here. I wonder what colour we will be allocated from China. Little Billy Short On Ideas must be sharpening the labor Leadership Sword with glee, knowing Elbow is going to get toppled due to Blackout Bowens crazy plans.

  8. Bowen should walk to all meetings around australia to set the example.
    Evs destroy the environment in the mining, production, and disposal at the end of its cycle.

  9. The funny thing is that Teslas are becoming a monopoly and can make a car cheaper than a ice card buy a Mile They just aren't so ice vehicles don't collapse 😂😂😂

  10. The technology is only ready when it is ready. A 6 year time frame is ridiculous. BTW if you're long game is EV, why would you force RD dollars to be spend on combustion engines? Spend those dollars on making solar cheaper and on battery chemistries that don't require rare earth's like cobalt. (Lithium itself is NOT rare earth) Once the technology has advanced it will be cheaper to drive an EV and nobody has to be forced. Also, if you live remote and can install solar with a full week of energy storage, you do that and never pay for gas or energy again. Now that is unthinkable, but in a decade prices will have come down to the point that such an installation will be around $10k in today's dollars. If not, then it was never a good idea.

  11. "clean coal power stations". Lol. I admire the number of views you get for what is essentially a slightly annoying Pom reading other peoples articles, but not enough to swallow that BS.

  12. Phasing out utes because of Euro 6d emission standards, controlling social media through proposed misinformation and disinformation laws, large-scale wind turbine projects and solar farms on valuable agricultural land, ripping up disused railways to replace them with bicycle/walking tracks between towns ("rail trails"), offshore wind turbine farms, closing down productive coal-fired power stations that force power prices to spike, continuing the ban on nuclear energy, … Australia is one fouled-up country because we are guinea pigs for totalitarian madness.

  13. It will not be only the ranger and hilux that will be forced out of the market. Every vehicle that emits more than the limit mandated by the government will be affected. The manufacturers will have to either modify their vehicles thereby making them too expensive or withdraw from Australia completely.

  14. Again not true that global demand is backing off, if this "mguy" did his research he would know that 1 out of every cars sold on earth in 2023 was an ev..and this has curbed oil demand. His videos are not factual..AI generated false hoods


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