Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction | Asia and BJ

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21 thoughts on “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction | Asia and BJ”

  1. The scene with the ball.
    When Dr. Evil was bouncing the ball off of Number Two's face and asking him if he was going to cry,
    that was a parody of a scene from one of my all time favorite movies.
    It's called "The Great Santini".
    (95% on Rotten Tomatos)
    Starring Robert Duval,
    It is funny and heart-breaking and real.
    It's the kind of movie that stays with you awhile.
    I hope you'll consider checking it out.
    You'll be glad you did.

  2. Y'alls reaction to this comedy was hilarious and so much fun to watch! And props to y'alls YouTube edit πŸ–’πŸ–’ This was absolute πŸ”₯ Thank y'all for brightening our movie experience!

    Peace and chicken grease 😁✌

  3. You know it's because of this movie series that the "James Bond" series, a whole different movie in the "Spy" genre took a whole different turn after the 2000's and got way more darker and serious in tone.

  4. —- This movie cost $33 million to make and did $312 million in box office, a smash hit…it made more money in its first weekend than the first movie made in total
    —- The movie got nominated for an Academy Award for Best Makeup
    —- Heather Graham played Felicity Shagwell…she gained critical praise for playing Rollergirl in the film Boogie Nights (also has Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds and Don Cheadle in this comedy-drama about porn industry…film was nominated for 3 Academy Awards)…Heather was Jade the stripper in the first and third The Hangover films…she also played Daisy in Eddie Murphy's film Bowfinger…she has done a lot of Independent films and played varying roles in TV shows…at one time she dated Heath Ledger (who played the demonic Joker in The Dark Knight movie that you have already reacted to)

  5. The third installment with Beyonce' is actually the funniest of this Trilogy, if you can believe that! So many spy references, mainly 007 James Bond, but also that phone ringer is from Our Man Flint when HQ calls.


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