AURORAS VILLAIN SONG – Once Upon A Dream – rewritten | Sleeping Beauty cover

This weeks Princess turned Villain is Aurora!! I feel like she doesn’t get much attention so it’s her turn in the spotlight.

(This story follows the events of Maleficent in the recent remakes of Sleeping beauty.)

We all know how this story begins. Aurora received a curse that would send her into a deep sleep on her 16th birthday. She was sent away from home in an effort to prevent the curse from coming true and was raised by three fairies in the woods. Lonely and bored, Aurora would regularly sneak away and spend time with another fairy she found in the woods, Maleficent. They spent many afternoons chatting as Maleficent provided a safe haven for Aurora to escape to. The two quickly grew a deep bond and became like family.

Eventually, Auroras curse was set in motion on her 16th birthday. After being led to the castle, she pricked her finger and fell into a deep sleep. Maleficent in an effort to break the curse, kissed Aurora on the forehead and she awoke as the kiss was one of true maternal love.

This is where our story takes a turn.

Just as Maleficent and Aurora were leaving the castle to return home, an arrow struck Maleficent in the chest, shot by Aurora’s Father, the king. Fear of those more powerful can make you do awful things. Maleficent died in Auroras arms. Struck by grief Aurora ran to the Moors to hide away from the world, Swearing she would avenge her fallen friend.

Eventually, if left to fester, grief can blind even the purest of souls.

Aurora swore she would have her revenge and began plotting. Blaming the king and his people for the unwarranted hatred they had for Maleficent that eventually led to her death. She spent the next few months learning how to cast spells and curses as Maleficent did, the creatures in the Moors assisting her with her goals. She mastered curses quite quickly, Focusing especially on one’s with spinning wheels.

After some time had passed Aurora was ready and the town had restocked their spinning wheels, they would soon come to regret that. We meet Aurora as walks through the town, singing her cursed lullaby. Compelling the townspeople to prick their finger and fall into a deep sleep, one they won’t wake from.

Hope you enjoyed! Come back next week for another Princess turned Villain!


Lyrics/Melody/Vocals – Mee
Instrumental –
Art –

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#onceuponadream #aurora #sleepingbeauty #coverartist #coversong


29 thoughts on “AURORAS VILLAIN SONG – Once Upon A Dream – rewritten | Sleeping Beauty cover”

  1. If you do make a Cinderella one can you do more than a dream from the Cinderella 3 sequel where Cinderella was betrayed by the prince and manages to steal the wand and takes over the kingdom

  2. Sequel title and plot: “Sleeping Angel”
    Aurora, filled with grief and anger, sets a curse to all the townspeople to a deep sleep. Thanks to Aurora's former guardian fairies, Angel, the last Hope, only falls into the sleep ,at her 16th birthday, that can be ended the entire curse with a kiss, from the boy she loves, a cottage boy named Dash. To prevent Dash from rescuing Angel, Aurora kidnaps and imprisons him. The good fairies are the last hope to free Dash so that he can awaken Angel.

  3. if youve seen my past comments, then i dont have to repeat myself

    anyway, Glory getting fed up with her caretakers and taking it into her own claws to "take care of them" when she hears how they want to kill her, certainly would change how the whole story goes

  4. The ironic thing is Maleficent isn’t just any regular member of her race. She’s the incarnation of their goddess. My best guess is some final unspoken last wish transferred all her divine power to Aurora so that she could defend herself. (Thus explaining how maleficent could stay dead) Wonder how maleficent 2 would go with Aurora in maleficent’s place? Would meeting her mother’s people be some kind of therapy for her. Wonder if she’d find some child to take in and raise like maleficent had with her.

  5. could you do vanellope von schweetz she a technical disney princess and what if ralph never found her? she could have never get rid of king candy reset the game and never become ruler again. The bullying could have done it or she was caught and sent to the prison that would make a good story since she can control the code of the game. you can use the sugar rush theme song

  6. I would love to hear the non- villain part to. The beginning started to sound like a lullaby. I was imagining how it would be good if aurora was singling to her daughter about the song she meet her prince. But this 180 was good to.

  7. I know you
    I walked with you once upon a dream
    I know you
    That gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam…

    Needles prick
    and your thread of life
    is finally cut

    The weaver sighs her final breath
    This fairy tale done
    Story shut

    I know her
    A girl full of joy and light and hope
    Once she was happy and whole
    Her life full of love and laughter

    That girl's dead
    She died long ago, laid in the ground
    Now she's lost
    It seems another must be found

    Assigned a task to carry on
    It's my final song

    Sleep now town
    And dream in the dark

    Sands run out
    Say your last goodbyes
    For now, the last laugh is mine

    I know you…


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