AUDIO: AZ GOP Chair Desperate To Retire MAGA Kari Lake

The UK’s conservative Daily Mail released an audio recording of Arizona’s top Republican official trying to bribe MAGA candidate Kari Lake (R) not to run for U.S. Senate.

Jeff DeWit, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, can be heard asking Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years. Lake apparently wore a wire during the conversation.

Said DeWit: “There are very powerful people who want to keep you out.”

DeWit also told Lake that he thinks Trump will lose the 2024 election and it is time to make way for someone else.

DeWit resigned as chairman a day after the audio was released.

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47 thoughts on “AUDIO: AZ GOP Chair Desperate To Retire MAGA Kari Lake”

  1. The idiocy of DeWit is astounding. First, why would you ever have a conversation like this personally? Secondly, do you not have any countermeasures for a mic? You literally are trying to bribe someone, and you never thought it would be recorded and used to Lake's benefit? FFS, wouldn't it be funny if it turns out that Lake's ppl are the ones back East, and they set up DeWit because they knew he was corrupt.

  2. This goes on across America every day. Globalist are attempting to overthrow the American people and enslave us all. Almost no polititians support America. Trump has to win, our entire country is at stake.

  3. I have more respect for Ms Lake then I ever had before. And I have less respect for the Republican Party. When I was getting my Masters in Political Science in the 70s I was always told that people would never understand how the sausage is made. However if this king making and trying to buy off candidates who disagree with the Washington elite machine is the way the sausage is made…. I am switching to ham.

  4. Satan The Devil, Is Ruling These Corrupted Politicians, In United States Of America. Satan The Devil, Desperate.

    The Devil, Is After The United States Of America, Big Time.
    He Wants Souls. America, In Danger.

    The Republicans Party, Is Not
    Republicans, They Are Really Democrats. Pure Evil.

    MAGA MOVEMENT Replaced The Corrupted Rhinos Republicans.

  5. Corruption is corruption no matter which side does it — and we KNOW both sides do it. People like this need to be made an example of. Bring him before the Judiciary Committee and demand he reveal his source that told him to do this — or lock him away for the rest of his life. Whether we've got to do it through Biden's corrupt DOJ or by class action lawsuit on behalf of the American people. This needs to stop NOW, and we need to know WHO'S behind it.

  6. arrest him for subversion… the last thing these satanists are concerned about is this country. it's the corrupt scumbags like dimwitt that have us where we are today, absolute corruption, they have sold their souls for power and ego… get his phone records and find his coconspirators…

  7. This audio confirms my suspicion of career politicians of both parties. This is why I refuse to join the Republican party even though I usually agree with their policies. I will remain an Independent and support Lake for her morals and love for our Country.


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