ATUM by Smashing Pumpkins! Billy Corgan Speaks Out!

ATUM by Smashing Pumpkins! Billy Corgan Speaks Out!

Hey every one!

In tonight’s video I not only cover the new album ATUM by The Smashing Pumpkins, but I also cover what Billy CORGAN the Smashing Pumpkins’ writer and lead vocalist of the band, has to say about the plot of his brand new Rock Opera!

But in the end, the question is did he hit this nail on the head, or is it rather a nail in the coffin of the Smashing Pumpkins’ discography? Is this first of three prereleases worth the listen? And if so does it do a good job getting everyone excited over the next two releases of the Smashing Pomkin uocoming triple Rock Opera album?

Of course these and many more questions are answered in tonight’s video!

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-Michael Noland-
-The Bottom Line-


23 thoughts on “ATUM by Smashing Pumpkins! Billy Corgan Speaks Out!”

  1. This is a lot to take in but your enthusiasm Michael is amazing and so I can't wait to hear the record. I loved Mellon Colle and Machina had a few really good tracks like "This time" – amazing tune you have to hear the words it will grab you. Corgan is amazing, never forget the concert I saw at Massey Hall in Toronto, bought front row centre from some scalpers and just released Adore and they played the whole record. Sorry, rambling, but Pumpkins and Corgan are just amazing. Thanks for your thorough and super positive review !

  2. When you're young, creativity and inspiration flows, then at a certain age, maybe past 50, it quickly fades. Corgan gets points for trying, but I'm not really going for those keyboard sounds, and the drums sound dead. I kind of liked Shiny and oh so bright, but that one was horribly mastered, or recorded,. Their last decent offerings were his 2005 solo album and 2007's Zeitgeist.

  3. Happy New Year Michael Noland I Hope You Achieve And Accomplish Everything That You Want Successfully For 2023.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. As far as The Smashing Pumpkins, I love them! I love Billy Corgan. He’s easily one of the most intelligent and articulate guys in Rock N Roll history. I can listen to his interviews all day. Very creative musician. I can’t wait to hear this three part album.

  5. Eh, even in their prime Smashing Pumpkins didn't have more than a handful of really good tunes. They're excessively hampered by a singer whose voice is like nails on the chalkboard.

  6. this whole concept album bs gets really old. as if a bunch of of pot heads had anything to say!
    in the end their customers are going to destill it down to track 2, 6 and 7 or which songs ever and wont give a rats ass about what the lyrics are all about.
    its all entertainment after all and thats all that it boils down to.
    but once at a certain fame level they want to please their masters and dig up some masonic shit to put into their stuff, either in cover art or in the songs hoping someone reserves a place at the sun for them.
    the whole business pisses me off more and more…
    happy new year nonetheless😀

  7. I have made it to track…chapter 6 and I like it so far. Thanks for the story explanations. It really helps a lot. I am starting to create my own music and I like to do things a bit out of what is expected. My guitar teacher kind of disagrees, but music is all about surprise.

  8. I was never much of a fan but three years ago or so I heard one of their songs in a record store and loved it. I ended up buying "Shiny and Oh So Bright" and loved it. I even enjoyed Billy's vocals at last! I then heard their next album on Spotify but didn't care for it much, so I never bought it. I'll check the new album out though!

  9. I tried listening to this album the day it came out, but I just couldn't get through it. Now in fairness, I had it playing while at work so I was only getting the music portions of the experience, unable to pay any attention at all to the lyrics since I was working. However, as Michael as explained the album, the concept behind the album is a dystopian story right up my alley, so I will now go back and give the album my full attention to see how my opinion of it changes now that I know the story/concept behind it.

  10. I'm just not on board with this one, sadly. I disagree with you on the vocal mixing. I think Corgan sounds best when he's singing from underneath the layers, taking more cues from some of their shoegazey roots. The original run in the 90's was full of tracks which had an immediate impact on first listen for me. I'd hear them and think, "that's amazing. I gotta hear it again." Now he just comes across as an artist bored with himself and fumbling for new inspiration which makes me sad…

    The sound here, while better in terms of mixing than their previous few releases, feels too stiff and measured, too electronic. At times his lyrics feel either too abstract to be immediately understood or too cloying to be relatable. The live performances seem too restrained, but part of this is just the lack of connection and energy in just about anyone's live shows today. They also are willfully rejecting their strengths sonically. There's moments, high points, in the past few releases but nothing I feel like coming back to over and over like the old stuff.

    Really frustrating as a fan because I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong exactly. I do look forward to the second act regardless. Only thing I know for sure is that an album shouldn't need an explanation to be understood as a cypher to appreciate it. Good music is always an instant impact. Great music is good music that gets better with closer inspection. You just can't skip the steps.


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