Attacker pushes woman onto tracks at Bronx subway station

Police say the victim did not know the man who shoved her on Sunday afternoon at the Jackson Avenue station. CBS2’s Kristine Johnson reports.


28 thoughts on “Attacker pushes woman onto tracks at Bronx subway station”

  1. This being share the shame mentality,, of the low life trashy Judge who sentence him with endangerment. :
    The whole situation of this case from beguining to end is base on: RACISM!!!
    If it would be the other way around.
    A Spanish person trying to kill a blacky
    Or the Victim person would it be a white person.
    Pffffff, forget it.
    There be a Riot.

  2. Is this a racial or hate crime??
    The woman appears to be white.
    The media needs to do their job and report the race of the victim as they do when the victim is of another racial background. Equality!!!

  3. They caught the tough guy, they should drag his xxx down to the subway and throw him on the tracks, if he lives he goes free, if he doesn't, Oh Well…? Arrogant pieces of xxx, it was probably an Asian or white woman he pushed as well…No Hate Crime though, but if you call the cops on them, it's a Hate Crime…?

  4. The latest crime: that this low life cowardly punk has been charged with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. Are you freaking kidding me??? That was attempted murder or should we have waited until a train actually ran over that poor woman???? This city's legislators are revolting, they cater to the criminals and spit on the victims. But sooner or later there will be a vigilante revolt. Believe it.

  5. For it is written,

    Hebrews 9:27

    27 Just as human beings have to die once, but after this comes judgment,

    Ecclesiastes 7

    17 But don’t be overly wicked, and don’t be foolish;
    why should you die before your time?


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