ATTACK OF THE DEEP SEA KING!! | One Punch Man S1E8 Reaction

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Today, we watched episode 8 of One Punch Man! This villain is DEFINITELY our strongest yet. We all know Saitama has this one easily, but I hope characters like Genos and Mumen Rider get to shine in the face of this bad guy.

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20 thoughts on “ATTACK OF THE DEEP SEA KING!! | One Punch Man S1E8 Reaction”

  1. I’m pretty sure Saitama got serious cause he thought it was Genos who was beat
    Also three monsters in the first episode are stronger than the deep sea king
    1.The underrated Vaccine Man
    2.Carnage Kabuto
    3.The giant I don’t remember the name

  2. Puri-Puri Prisoner is a parody of sailor moon, but he's a very interesting character, he's a parody of fan service in general and a satire of the cliché of the pervert/rapist/funny character:

    -fan service usually show a sexy schoolgirl with boobs getting naked all the time for whatever reason, not a man in his 30s who just got out of prison

    -he's actually serving time in prison for his misbehavior, rape, they often turn it into a funny thing in anime, but it's not(i mean, from a viewer perspective it can be, but from the character perspective it shouldn't) and they should go to prison for it

  3. I believe sonic is actually stronger than some S class heroes tbh, he's at least on parr with Genos or even stronger than him idk but in comparison to Saitama everyone seems weak.

  4. The effect Jojo's has on the anime culture is amazing and it was the 1st time I got into the series strictly bc of the memes lol. Memes are great, but being a Jojo's fan is an acquired taste…meaning you have no taste or you have the best taste… bizarre and ridiculousness is the norm… and being normal is having trash taste… anime is trash and so am I ~Gigguk~

  5. ^=!😅🙄🙂😉💎🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈💎👍🤘✌👌THAT IDEAL SLAY-hair-look right there,boyyy/brooo. So,therefore you go  lovely,slaying/FAB, sweet,super homoerotic/non-straight-like/super vain appealing, twinkboy-like,pretty,bearded and slender IDEAL AT LEAST PAN-/or BI-pride-bro (specifically said,a heteroflexible pan/or bi one OR 50/50 pan/or bi one,AT LEAST, and onward we only go in the Kinsey scale,lgbtiqa-sexually, so you go slay-boyyyy/-brooo,yeah and yay) particularly with THAT slaying/fab ,super homoerotic/super non-straight-like/super vain stylish TYPICALLY PRIDE-boy doing/expressing 💎🏳️‍🌈🌸!PINK AND PRIDE!🌸🏳️‍🌈💎and sweet IDEAL SLAY-hair you SLAY-pulling of here,who just having fun and a great time with an equally beautiful gurll.Nicee it's, you IDEAL SLAY-boy appealing boyyy/boyy(almost a slender and SLAY-pinky-haired version of the Puri-Puri-prisoner,at least in here and a really nice reaction as well,guyz.Creditz!=^


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