Atlantis Finally Discovered – Richat Structure (The Eye of the Sahara)

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The fabled city of Atlantis. It is scoffed at by some and pursued with a zealous fervor by others. Atlantis has been a topic of debate among scholars and historians for centuries. A mighty empire, technologically advanced in science and engineering, wealthy beyond measure, and a military superpower.

Could they have existed in the past? Is it possible that such a civilization could be forgotten? Did the winds of time distort our perception of human history? The evidence indicates that this is indeed what has happened. If this is true, how could a culture so significant be forgotten?

If you want to learn more about Atlantis and the Richat Structure visit

Narration: Petra Ortiz –

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34 thoughts on “Atlantis Finally Discovered – Richat Structure (The Eye of the Sahara)”

  1. This was mentioned in the Quran. The group of Aad Ω‚ΩˆΩ… ΨΉΨ§Ψ―. God wiped them out for being bad as we are these days. They were men having sex with each other. Now days they can marry each. How bad we are to be this ungrateful for what god bless us with. The different is that there’s good people these days that follow god and his books and believe of his angels. Forgive us god. We just don’t know how bad we are. Forgive us allah.

  2. A species with Amnesia? No. A species with corrupt leaders who purposefully destroys and alters historical information to better suit their own interests of profit and religious control. The most common denominator throughout all of history often mentioned and never heeded

  3. Imagine what a world it would be if all the hidden knowledge came to light and people were educated with it. Instead, we live in a world of corrupt self-righteous men who find it necessary to keep the peasants in the dark. I truly hope there's a special place for them after they die. Our history is exactly that it is ours.

  4. What throws it into doubt for me is that it's pretty far above water and cut off from it, but water level back then was up to 400 ft lower when the ice age came crashing down so it would of been even more cut off from that water source. I mean maybe if there was a glacier was close by to water the city, or thier was a way way way more rain In the area enough to have canals, or if it was a lake they built the city on like Venice? Have they found mummified or fossilized fish in what would of been the canals if that was Atlantis? Or other sea life?

  5. We would be wise as a society to realize that had the Dark Ages lasted twice as long as it actually did or possibly three times longer then we and our current Society may have no knowledge of the Holy Roman Empire or the old Roman Empire

  6. Edgar Cayce indicated that Atlantis was located between the Gulf of Mexico and Gibraltar. I see the eye of the Sahara and I get why people associate that with Atlantis. Could that possibly be a much smaller sister community? I'm not claiming to know anything. But that apparent seam in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean running at a curve from north to south between North America and Africa, and the cliff drop-offs around the edge of the North American shoreline, Cuba and Puerto Rico seem really odd and perhaps telling. They also refer to Atlantis as a "lost continent". The eye of the Sahara appears to be only a few miles across. Having a conversation about Atlantis leads me to also wonder about Lemuria. It looks like a similar scenario in the Pacific, particularly around the shorelines. Could we consider the possibility that these continents imploded?


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