Atlanta Police believe missing 24-year-old woman was murdered; one suspect in custody, one at large

Police said Tuesday they believed 24-year-old Allahnia Lenoir β€œwas murdered and that her body was disposed of.”

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They said they have one suspect, Diante Reynolds, in custody at the Fulton County Jail.

APD is asking for the public’s help in finding a second suspect, identified as 29-year-old Steve Oboite. Both face charges of felony murder and felony concealing a death.

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42 thoughts on “Atlanta Police believe missing 24-year-old woman was murdered; one suspect in custody, one at large”

  1. My niece lives in the US and has a child, I am desperately trying to get her to come home. The US is just not a place in my eyes to bring up a child in such violence. There is a real shift in society there and it's not for the better.

  2. Shit is so sad.this type of MF.BS.will Neva cease.these lowlife bumazz MFZ.just gotta take someone else's loveone from them…I got a new theory start. Snactin up MFZ n ya own family n do them bout DAT..shit just gets u MAD AZ HELL.. FORWAT..YEA THEY SAY PEOPLE DONT GET KILLED FOR NOTHING. I DISAGREE WITH DAT SLOGAN…HOPE THEY STICK A AIDS/ 10 GRAMS OF FENTYNAL/ BORID ACID NEEDLE IN TALL 2 BUMS… IM MAD..

  3. My Condolences To The Families And My Prayers Are With You
    Rest In Peace Miss Allahnia Lenoir

  4. We have to be careful with social media. It makes you a target. Everyone wants views Intel someone is lurking in the shadows viewing you. If they haven't found her and the suspect isnt talking, why are they saying she has been murdered? Where is the rest of the story? Why take hope from the family?

  5. Unfortunately, things like this are going to happen to women more and more. When attractive girls open themselves to men that are not quite on their level, things like this can happen. I remember another case where the girl invited the guy to her house, rejected him, and then he responds by stabbing her to death. As men become more lonely, they receive less female validation and affection, so this happens. I can understand why attractive girls can be somewhat standoffish and reserved–they've probably had a bad experience with a loser, beta-male type, and now they're weary of men. I hope they catch the other guy. When women reject you guys, just let it be. There's no need to do this to people. This is sick!

  6. Both 29!???πŸ™„
    The one caught looks like he's in his 40's and the other one who looks like O.D.B long lost bastard child looks like he's in his mid 60's!πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

  7. How come that Major didn't bring up the other female that was at the scene and to see Allahnia last but the reporter brought it up? That sounds super suspect of the major! I mean maybe that female knows something or can help with the case to give closure to Allahnia's family.

  8. when I see reports like this first comes to mind is sex trafficking the age they are getting these girls at and taking them state to state and when these girls are not cooperating it beating or death

  9. No one should have to go thru what that young lady did in the last moments of her life. Young ladies please I ask of you to be careful when dealing with people. This world is ever. This beautiful young lady should still be here on earth enjoying life. However these two POS took her life at such a young age. I pray for her family and friends. My heart goes out to you. I hope the two individuals get what they deserve for this horrific act. May your sole R.I.P Allahnia.

  10. The ramifications of selling pussy πŸˆβ€β¬›οΈ can be detrimental to one's future πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚. I don't care about these hoes. Please bring us back E2, 😒 πŸ™ that would be Queen Elizabeth πŸ‘Έ πŸ’‹ 😘 πŸ’ πŸ’Ž πŸ‘‘ the 2nd. The real Queen πŸ‘Έ and not no mannish woman queen… β™₯️

  11. Guess who absolutely 100% didn’t murder her.
    β€œWhite supremists”, that’s who. It would be the exact opposite. Those wonderful β€œpeople” who commit more than 80% of all violent crime in USA. The most evil culture in world history.


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