Atelier Ryza 3 Preview – One Last Thigh-filled Adventure

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34 thoughts on “Atelier Ryza 3 Preview – One Last Thigh-filled Adventure”

  1. Just played Atelier for the first time with Ryza 1 just back in like December. Finished it right in time for GoWR. Immediately after finishing that, jumped straight into Ryza 2. Currently at the endgame right now just getting my max equipment before destroying the end of the game (been on Hard the entire time and having become an alchemy god in Ryza 1 made this game so easy from the get-go). I love the Ryza games SO much. I cannot wait for this one.

    I just wish Ryza wasn't ending 🙁

  2. I’ve tried and tried to get into these games but for me the series was beat in the Arland and Dusk trilogies and I just haven’t gotten into any since. I thought Lulua would since it was a continuation of my favourite trilogy but I just lost interest. I did play quite a bit of Sophie 2 but haven’t finished it. Ryza 2 remains still wrapped. Back when I discovered the series with Atelier Meruru it felt so fresh and new but with them pumping out these games every year with not much difference from year to year the sense of novelty is long gone.

  3. Damn ur making me rly jelaous bc we have to wait almost another full month until we can finally play Ryza 3 D:
    But what u showed in this video was great and i cant wait to, sadly, play her last adventure <3

  4. That depth of field blur is really terrible. It actually hurts my eyes, because I tried to focus all the time. It's really very uncomfortable. How where they thinking it was a good idea? I can imagine some people will feel a headache after playing that for a while. This game DEFENITELY needs a depth of field slider of some sort.
    Other than that I really like the improvements. The game itself looks very promising, and a worthy final part of the story. I love to see how much they have grown and, of course, how their final destinations in life will be (I still secretly hoping for a Ryza/Klaudia pairing).
    I hope the above DOF blur will be corrected, but as the game has gone gold already I have strong doubts it will be addressed in the short therm. Maybe a day one patch, or a patch soon after release? You can only hope…

  5. Excited to play Ryza 1 later this year, but dear lord, if they don't get rid of that blur…
    Did the devs become enamored w/ the Virtuaboy, and so decided on a vision of forcing players to stick to short sessions?

  6. "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." —Swami Vivekananda

  7. I never clicked with the Ryza series as much as with the others, mainly because of the less traditional turn based combat, but I reckon I’ll give this a chance with how positively you’re speaking of it in the preview 🙂

  8. Great little look, I agree with the point you make. I hope they turn off the option to have that blur effect before the game releases. Also not a fan of that. Regardless, I still look forward to this one a lot. Loved the first 2 Ryza games. They were my first Atelier games. Since the series is on sale atm I grabbed some older Atelier titles to tide me over until this game comes out. Currently playing Rorona and while it's different and feel challenging with the time limits, I am loving it too. So glad I've found out about the Atelier games.

  9. I missed Ryza's winter sales so I thought I would miss playing Ryza 3 on release. Fortunately for me, Gust delayed the game AND dropped another sales. I'm around a third through Ryza 1 atm. Looking forward to finishing both games before 3 dropped.


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