At the table with love. A story of empathy and eating together in the shadow of kindness

In this film, the focus is on the pleasant and intimate moments between the construction master and the nomadic widow, which shows how much helping and caring for each other can change life. This story depicts warmth and kindness in a beautiful format.”

#empathy #kindness #life story #at the table #love and affection #local food
#love and solidarity #romantic #love story# biography # nomads # empathy # family movie


46 thoughts on “At the table with love. A story of empathy and eating together in the shadow of kindness”

  1. На других стройках– хозяйка всегда помогает делать раствор мастеру, что бы быст рее двигалась стройка, дети пусть присматривают друг за другом, Зима близко,уже начинаются шквалистые ветры с дождем и если не оштукатурить снаружи—- вода побежит внутрь дома, через стены!

  2. Where is Quasim and Shasharbano vlogs?as far as I know,they have their own blogs to used to their content, that's why Mr.Quasim don't affair helping on Angel's blog.Quasim and family I originally love watching them, he's a good man, hardworking and responsible he's very family minded too,this two family are beautiful people, I love watching them both ❤❤❤

  3. I’m so very much concern on all these house building especially they have kids. The foundation is not strong and the blocks are just put one on top of the other. There should be at least stick woods if not metal that will bind blocks together and pour cement in the hollowed block to reinforced the structure. Metal are essential for house foundation. another issue is the roof. I’m afraid, let’s be practical there are too many nature calamities and hopefully this house will give them security and many happy memories that will bring them together in the new future

  4. Anak anak lebih tahu mana yang pura pura atau tidak.
    Anak anak tahu bila pria ahli bangunan mencintai mereka dengan tulus.
    Ibu bukalah hatimu liat cinta yang tulus dari pria ini.
    Semoga cinta kalan di ridhoi ALLAH.
    Ibu bawakan bekal untuk makan pria ini di rumahnya supaya dia ada makanan yang bisa di makan di rumahnya bukankah pria ini sendirian di rumahnya?
    Salam manis dari INDONESIA ❤❤❤

  5. Operatorze dziękujemy Tobie za tak piękną historię…..jesteś mądrym filmowcem….Pozdrowienia dla kochanej rodzinki zwłaszcza małego chłopczyka….który dzisiaj skradł nasze serca……❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

  6. First thing they should build is a bathroom so they could take a bath or a shower and clean themselves. However, hygiene is not a top priority with them. She’s been in those same clothes for the last week. I can imagine the smell. Don’t they have any self-respect about the way they smell in the way they take care of themselves? They are disgusting always in the same clothes and you know they I have not taken a bath. Not to mention shaving her legs are under her arms. I can just imagine what that looks like, so yeah, coming from America this is disgusting. Just saying.🤔🥴😊

  7. The first thing they need to do is build a bathroom so they can wash themselves and change clothes. Where do they bathe where they use the bathroom. She has not changed her clothes in the last week. I can just imagine what she smells like I’m sure she does not shave her legs, nor under her arms, and I can imagine what her in between smells like I never see them they change clothes, nor any other hygiene. Coming from America and looking at this is disgusting.

  8. Have a lovely time eating together with the kids. The professor is a very hard working person. And the girls and their are helping him to collect pebbles. Happy working together……❤

  9. Could you please explain the meaning in your culture when the man feeds the lady by hand -she always seems very shy when he does this -Is it very intimate and special between close couples ? – and the eating from the same plate of food to – does it mean love or closeness ?

  10. Love to watch the progress of the house and the lovely relationship between teacher and the children especially Mahan, he is a cute little boy, capturing the heart of aweet. The teacher is showing love, respect and care to be accepted into the family. Love is in the air and every body is happy. Simply awesome, wafching them accepting one gives meaning to life. Stay blessed and be happy always ❤

  11. Que maravilhoso eles juntos vejo o quanto as crianças estão felizes com a presença do professor,uma conexão paterna faz muita diferença no compartilhar e no bem estar de todos. Que amor ! Anjo vc é bem preservada isso é excelente mas demostre mais atenção ao seu futuro esposo ele e bc merece ser muito felizes.
    Amo tudo sua tradições são bem diferentes do meu país.
    Desejo que tudo ocorra em paz! Vc é uma vencedora Anjo.
    Deus abençoe sempre vcs.
    Amo vcs. Felicidades amores 💟
    sou do Brasil parabéns a todos ao cinegrafista. Obrigada pelo video.
    💞 Professor Anjo💞 crianças, 💗


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