Astros VS Royals Condensed Game 9/23/23

This is the condensed game highlights of the Astros VS Royals game.

What’s in the highlights is the first pitch for both teams along with every hit and out.

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34 thoughts on “Astros VS Royals Condensed Game 9/23/23”

  1. This month of September is the absolute worst I’ve seen this team ever play in 6 years of keeping up with them. What a fall from grace, I can’t even see us making the playoffs “playing” like this. To hell with you Dusty!

  2. Houston residents swearing at Maldy, Diaz was perfect again today, right? Next year, Valdez Javier Urquidy MCCULERS, who have been well-packed thanks to Maldy, will most certainly appear when Diaz is in charge!

  3. Well…Astros are only 1.5 behind the Rangers and .5 games ahead of Mariners. That's the only positive I can take away from this game and season right now. September is when you are supposed to turn on the after burners and make the post season. Right now I think you can stick a fork in the Astros. Their inconsistency just doesn't give me any warm fuzzies. The Royals have only won 53 games all season and they can thank the Astros for some Halloween candy.

  4. How do we get beat game after game by last place teams. You gotta bunch of guys that won the World Series last season and can't beat any of the last place teams this year, while at one point being in first place. Dusty, thank you for a great season last year, but whatever this team needs you are not giving it to them sir.

  5. The Astros are not motivated anymore or the desire to actually do their best they are looking like they either have no heart and spirit to win games or they don't care about wining anymore. I hope the Astros don't keep Dusty next year I hope we have someone else as manager and doesn't put in the players that are good like Diaz and Chaz all the time. Montero and Abreu are the worst players I can not stand Abreu and Montero the two worst decisions by Houston.

  6. How the hell you expect to win when you have a couple of guys in scoring positions, ready to score with a single hit and then two of your teammates would come in to score, but you chose to swing at a pitch that was 4.5 feet outside of the strike zone and you missed the ball by 3 feet? Do these morons know anything about the strike zone? You know, that you don’t have to swing at a bad pitch if you don’t want to? How could you win when the other team only swings at good pitches that are high percentage pitches to hit, but you swing at every bad pitch that they throw at you? — pitches that have 0% chance of being connected! These guys play the game their entire damn life and still don’t understand that they are not supposed to swing at pitches that they can’t reach with the bat! WTF!🤦These mofos better go back to the pervee leagues to learn the very basics of the game! They don’t seem to have any idea of how the game of baseball is supposed to be played!

  7. Its not about home runs , its to hit over the in field area , once a one or two in base, then a home run demands take place, but I see Astros trying to hit a home run all the time, which is not bad , but I suggest to place people in 1rst or second base before wanting to hit a home run. Dusty Baker is tired maybe , A meeting with his players is necessary.

  8. If they want to win, the boys have to hustle like everyone else. Heads-up running is seriously lacking. Lots of one arm desperation swings trying to make contact with balls outside the zone. It takes alert, on your toes ball to win. Mental game is not there

  9. I’m from Houston and live just outside of London UK. I’ve been a fan since the 80s. I miss a lot of sleep in the season to watch the Astros in early hours. The only good thing about the Astros sucking is that I’ll get better sleep in October!

  10. What a difference a year makes. These guys look like the Astros we all know and love, but they don't play like those guys did. If it were possible, I'd swear that we're being duped by AI. Guess they weren't Ready2Reign afterall.

    On the plus side, I'll be able to get some of my fall projects done earlier than expected.


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