Assassin’s Creed: 2022 Showcase | #UbiForward

Discover the future of the franchise with the Assassin’s Creed 2022 Showcase and leap into history as we celebrate our 15th anniversary.

An Audio Described version is also available in the video settings.

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About Assassin’s Creed Mirage:
In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you are Basim, a cunning street thief with nightmarish visions, seeking answers and justice. After an act of deadly retribution, Basim flees Baghdad and joins an ancient organisation – The Hidden Ones. As he learns their mysterious rituals and powerful tenets, he will hone his unique abilities, discover his true nature, and come to understand a new Creed – one that will change his fate in ways he never could have imagined.

Watch the full Assassin’s Creed 2022 Showcase and learn more about the future of the brand with Assassin’s Creed Codename RED, Assassin’s Creed Codename HEXE and Assassin’s Creed Codename JADE.

#Ubisoft #AssassinsCreed

Opening – 00:00
Leap into History – 00:33
Introduction – 01:59
Assassin’s Creed Mirage Trailer 03:44
Assassin’s Creed Mirage Overview 07:20
15 years of Assassin’s Creed 11:46
Beyond the Creed Documentary 14:23
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The Last Chapter 16:05
The future of Assassin’s Creed 18:07
Assassin’s Creed Codename JADE 20:42
Netflix x Assassin’s Creed 22:15
Wider World of Assassin’s Creed 23:11
Assassin’s Creed Codename RED 24:10
Assassin’s Creed Codename HEXE 26:02
Assassin’s Creed Codename INFINITY 26:57
Summary 28:19


41 thoughts on “Assassin’s Creed: 2022 Showcase | #UbiForward”

  1. Mirage looks like what I've been wanting for a long time. A smaller, more focused game that returns to the old style of Assassin's Creed. I just hope this isn't a one-off thing and that we get more games like that.

  2. 15 years, 12 major titles, millions of fans, 1 creed. Let's give it our all into the next chapter of the history of the brotherhood. "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."

  3. So if I’ve got this right… infinity is a sort of central hub for all assassins creed games. Mirage is the next mainline game. Then code name Red is a smaller but also mainline game? Hexe is also a smaller game?

  4. 26:28 @Ubisoft Kann es sein das HEXE schon geteasert wurde in Valhalla als die Verfluchte Zeichen die man zerstören muss? Vermute ich jetzt anhand des AC Logos von Hexe im Vergleich zu den Verfluchten Zeichen. 😀

  5. That Assassin's Creed: Mirage style is totally inspired by Prince of Persia 😂 as everything else in this damn franchise. I will HATE ubisoft forever for abandoning the Prince of Persia saga and no matter how many AC they'll make, i will not change opinion about them. Totally disappointed even after 17 years.


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