ASMR, Kidnapped & Chained Up! (Werewolf Boyfriend Roleplay) FL S3, Ep4

As your premonitions of an oncoming darkness grow, you prepare for the fight of your life. But you have to deal with a very angry vampire first!

This werewolf boyfriend roleplay/vampire romantic fantasy ASMR audio is Episode 4 of Season 3 of my Forbidden Love series. See Playlists for all Seasons or follow the links below:

Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:

Big thank you to @krystaltrinity8007 for playing our resident witch so brilliantly!

Wanna hang with me?

Twitter: @mastermissyx
Instagram: mastermissyx


Intro/outro music: Long Note Two by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat (Public domain)
Images courtesy of Pixabay (Public domain)


21 thoughts on “ASMR, Kidnapped & Chained Up! (Werewolf Boyfriend Roleplay) FL S3, Ep4”

  1. Meanwhile part 1, both Darren and i have arrived to the professor's house and after he greets us that it has been a while and invited us in, and so after we came in and wants some advice, and i let Darren explained to the professor about me and having visions again, and after he was surprised and curious about it, and let Darren continue to explained about how the great war between vampires and werewolves and then this time he mentioned about that i have dreams and visions about it, and this time he told me to explained about it, which during my explainations and hand him my journal about everything that i have written down so far, and after finishing my explaination to him, he seems to understand and read about it and while he continues to read it, and questions about it, which Darren answers yes to both of them, and after finding out about the darkness is coming and might be coming here as well too, even though realms does exists, or so the professor thought about the realms was existed, but after he told me about everything, and Darren ask about if he can help us, which the professor will agree to help us, but since he's more of a professor of sciense than magic, even he knows someone else that can help us, which that kind of feels a bit concerned about it, but after Darren ask if this person that professor knows will help us out, which he does after all, and written down the location to where it is, and suggested that we go there right away, and he told me to keep the amulet around my neck to keep the dark magic and witches away, which Darren and i agreed and also mentioned about keeping my journal with me to give us some answers that will help us, even though he has something but not nearly as enough to help us, so we got up and bid the professor good bye and thanked him for the help and we will after all, so once we left the professor's house, i end up feeling like there might be something wrong, once we head to the location to where this magic man person lives on the piece of paper that the professor gave to us before and after we left his house,

  2. Meanwhile part 2, after Professor gives a friendly wave of goodbye, and waited after we left, and the professor end up turns his expression from being happy to see us and after we left, he turn into a mean look and slightly smirked, after he dial up the number to Sebastian, and he told Sebastain that we are heading to where he needs to be at right now, which Sebastian is very pleased with the helpfrom the professor, and said good, and after that they hanged up, and so while Darren and i were heading to the locations, and looked at the paper that the professor wrote for us, wondering if we went the wrong way, and don't see any house or the coordinate were wrong, but Darren spoted the house up ahead and i see it too, and before we continue foreward, i end up tensed up and sense something, and Darren feels concerned about it, and asked if everything is alright, and i told him that i sense someone, and i told him it's Sebastian, and when he tried to sniffed him out, he can't sniffed him out, since there was something wrong, so i asked him if he sniff him out, but he told me that he didn't, but asked if i still can sense him, which i still can and he told me that's good at least, until after we need to keep our wits about it, and before we were about to head to that house over there, something just hit Darren on his neck, and he groaned a bit and just pulled something out of his neck, and it was a dart, but it was a tranquilizer dart, and he was starting to feel sleepy, and i end up feeling worried and panic, and i try to wake him up, but i end up got hit by the tranquilizer dart too, and end up hearing darren called out to Sebastian very sleepy, until one by one we were both knocked out, and then suddenly we were in some sort of a house or something and we can't seem to move at all, and we heard a voice of Sebastian, and Darren was angry, and asked what the h.e.l.l is this, and after telling him this is madness, which Sebastain agreed about it, and Darren called out to me, and i called out to him too, but i flinched and struggling against the binds of silver chains, because Sebastian told us that it works for both werewolf and vampires too, and he asked him again about what is going on, and Sebastain told him about what happened to Anthony, but Darren told him that he didn't do anything to him, since he told him the whole truth about what's happening, but Sebastian doesn't believe him, and they start arguing, but Sebastain told him to watch his tongue, after he told him about what he might plan on doing to Darren's love one (meaning me), even though we are like b.l.o.o.d. traitors, and we are chained and i was hunged up, and although Darren spotted something on his neck, and was annoyed after he noticed that Sebastian had that trink around his neck to block out his smell and scents, which he told Darren that's none of his buisness, after Darren asked what is that around Sebastian's neck, and then Sebastian keep telling Darren again what happened to Anthony, but again Darren keeps repeating that he didn't do anything, so Sebastian going to have to do this the hard away, so he told him about the window over there, and after he looked over there, and was confused about it, after Sebastian told Darren that the window is opened, and without no curtains to block out the sun, which angers Darren even more and threaten him to don't do this, and struggles after Sebastain mention about his lover be feeling burning, and feel the agonizing pain on my flesh of an undead body, but Darren ask what Sebastain wants, so Sebastain told him that he wants a confession, but Darren keeps telling him that he can't "twice", because he didn't do anything to him, but he told Sebastian about no pack for him, cause the pack is scared of him, and backing down, Until he mentioned about his pack will come find him, but Sebastian told him that his pack will neve find him or the location of where we are, or his psychiclinks won't work either because of the chains, and Sebastian told Darren that he does have someone, who is a powerful werewolf, after finding out it's Helena, Darren tried to reason Sebastain about Helena, even though Sebastain won't listen to Darren's warning about her, so now Sebastain told Darren that he had two choices, 1. either confess or 2. watch his lover die, so after he noticed about depending on how long until the sun rises, which is an hour, so that means there is only 30 minutes until the sun rises, and i end up be burned to ashes, so Sebastian will give Darren time to think and left, after saying: see you at sun rise, and he laugh evilly after he left, and leaving us just hanging around '(sorry for the bad puns,) but literally, since now we have to figure out what to do now, since we only have 30 minutes until the sun rise

    And then back at the Witches resident, her sister explains about each details about Sebastain kidnapped Darren and myself, and also how Helena is using Sebastain in a unpleasant and unforgiving ways, "IF" only Sebastain knew the truth from Darren trying to tell him, since Darren is telling Sebastain the truth, but continued to explained the arrvial is coming with the artifact, and since what once was controlled by them, once they will end up controling by them with an evil laugh at the end of the video,

    So again i really have a bad feeling about it, i'm already feeling scared, and worried mostly right now, so i hope and pray for Darren and myself for figuring out what to do, and wishing for Sebastain to just listen to Darren, and he's literally going to regret what he is doing, and hopefully find out the truth after all,

  3. So for now keep up the good work and i hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening, and i hope you have a good day as well too, and same to everyone else, and including the rest of the asmrtists, and everyone who collab as well too, same for you too Krystal Trinity,

    And also for the reaction to the video would be this: πŸ™‚β€οΈ, 🀭 giggle softly to myself and for both Darren and myself too, πŸ‘¨πŸΊ and πŸ§› and also afterwards πŸ˜” and 😨πŸ˜₯ for feeling worried and concerned, but πŸ™‚ after we went to the professor and left his house πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ and give us the location to the magic man house to help us out, πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ but we got hit by the tranquilizer darts, πŸ§›β€β™‚οΈ by Sebastain, and πŸ’‰ (pretend it's like a tranquilizer dart), and also β›“οΈπŸ”— with silver chains being tied up and hanged as well, and 😨😰😯😲 and πŸ˜₯😒 for what will happened to me once the sun rises in 30 minutes, πŸŒ„ sun rises, 🌌 once night goes down and sun rises back up to the sky slowly,

    And also πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ and ❀️❀️❀️❀️ for being a good friend from me to you, and same to everyone else, and inlcuding the rest of the asmrtists, and everyone who collabs as well too, same to you too Krystal Trinity,

    Also i want to give credtis to both of you, MasterMissyAsmr for playing the role as Darren, the professor, and also Sebastain as well too, also Krystal Trinity for playing the role as our resident witch so brillianty too as well,

    One more thing i want to say once again to apologized for my scream earlier, but i hope you can forgive me, and i hope we can still be friends as well too, so i hope you and Krystal Trinity and everyone else, and including the rest of the asmrtists, and everyone who collabs as well to have a good day.

  4. Hi Master. I can’t wait for all your spooky videos this month. Also, I just wanted to apologize for always asking if you plan on doing Vampire videos. I’m really sorry for bothering you about them. It’s just that vampires are my favorite monster and I always look forward to see anything with vampires.

  5. If it was me in their place I would just give Sebastian a false location or just give him the actual location of where Anthony is. Let Anthony and Victoria deal with that psycho, but yikes I can tell this is only just the start of some thing far more dangerous then the war. πŸΊπŸ’œπŸ§›πŸ»β€β™€


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