Asha & Eli ~ Dragon child (Love & war mix)

Asha Elijah & Eliška Bröcklová (Asha & Eli: Asha’s instrumental arrangement & Eli’s voice) present ‘Dragon child (Love & war mix)’ from Asha’s album “Symphony Storms Within.”

This film focuses on the war in Ukraine, the youth of Ukraine & Russia, the artistic expression of that youth, and the existential threshold between love and war; love and pain. It is not graphic, the suffering is more implicit. The sexual impulse, the artistic impulse and the destructive impulse weave within one another.

I have several music & film versions for ‘Dragon child.’ 2 different film interpretations to this piano-based track here (the other film being for “Asha & Eli ~ Spirit Songs”); a vocal version on my album “Butterfly in Chains,” and a more orchestrated quite different instrumental version on “The Healing Star.”

I’m English but I’ve lived in Hungary for spiritual reasons since 2016, so the war in Ukraine is next door, and there’s a different feeling to events than in the UK. Here it’s more visceral and intense in the atmosphere.

When the refugees poured in early in 2022, they came to the Great Western Railway station in Budapest, and I happen to live over the road, so I got involved for a couple of months as a ‘taxi’ volunteer with a friend. We took as many as we could on to their next destinations, heard their stories, marvelled at their hopeful spirit and transcendent philosophy, hugged and prayed together.

Another friend, Mira, is close to a priest an hour across the border who’s church became a refugee centre, and she made several journeys with a mini-bus full of provisions. Several times she heard the air-raid sirens there. She also housed a young mother and son for a month whilst helping them find work status, permanent accommodation and schooling for the boy.

Clearly Vladimir Putin has existential fears, but these are not being alleviated by his actions. Putin’s soldiers, often boys in their early 20’s, are being sent to slaughter their kin folk in this terrible war. The Russian boys & girls would otherwise play football & basketball with the Ukranians, party, date and so on.

And so would the Hungarians. They are all recognisable central/eastern Europeans, often ethnically tied. The Hungarians have a sizeable historical minority in Ukraine.

They are the same boys and girls.

And of course, the Russians invaded Hungary in October 1956 too, to quell an uprising against communist oppression. Many died; many fled and yet many stayed. The tanks rolled in, and there are still bullet-holes on some buildings in Budapest. Again, it was Russian youth sent to slaughter Hungary’s sons & daughters, on pain of execution if they didn’t obey orders.

This war in Ukraine is an internet-available war though, so the whole world can see what totalitarian psychotic inhumanity looks like close up. No-one wants to kill and brutalise their brothers and sisters, and many refuse or dessert. Others weep and crumble, lost, traumatised, bewildered and crushed in the soul.

How can we do this to each other?

I make many films to my songs, and I belong to a research library for footage that’s not my own when I need it. Many of these millions of clips were made in the Ukraine by Ukrainians long before war broke out, simply because they have the technology, impetus, artistic flair and exuberance.

There is a young, go-ahead vibe in Ukraine. Their universities are of a globally high standard and many Africans and Asians study there because the education is affordable and of a high standard.

The mother and son my friend Mira housed were actually Tanzanians living in Ukraine.

I include images of the Holy Mother Mária, and the controversial Kievan motherland monument in the film.

Whatever is being played out cosmically in this tragedy, human consciousness can be raised because of it.

Existential threats like Covid, this war, the apparent energy crisis and the cost of living crisis can help every soul the world over to trust their own inner wisdom and authority more as a way of life, and rely less on the wisdom of our systems, where logic and morality appear to be breaking down.

And that self-reliance is a kind of inner spiritual and social revolution in the making, because the higher self begins to make itself known to our ordinary consciousness as a kind of trustworthy intuition.

In essence, this is what Christ sowed the seeds of 2,000 years ago; self-reliance, where the Self (with a capital ‘S’) is our individual God particle. Such a Self is morally aligned with right-thinking and right-feeling in the soul, innate to us.

From that point-of-view the Christ brought freedom for everybody, for all faiths. His way is the evolution of all that has gone before. His last commandment was: “Love one another.”

At this time, in this epoch, the living Christ being exists in the ether of humanity for all to access through intention; through faith, hope and love.

John Lennon once reflected: “What if they gave a war and no-one came?”


3 thoughts on “Asha & Eli ~ Dragon child (Love & war mix)”

  1. Il n'y a que les hommes pour tuer un million d'entre eux pour la victoire d'un chef : des hommes qui ne se connaissent pas s'entre-tuent sur l'ordre de chefs qui se connaissent et ne s'entre-tuent pas, chefs qui signeront la paix en se serrant la main, un verre de champagne dans l'autre.
    ~ Abbé Pierre ~
    Bravo Eli, thanks Asha


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