#AsburyRevival & #JesusIsComingSoon

Here’s a helpful concordance so you can interpret what’s actually going on at the “Asbury Revival.”

1) “Revival is happening!” – Singing, prayers, and testimonies are happening with virtually no preaching from the Bible.

2) “Anyone is welcome!” – @TuckerCarlson can’t come, but @RHM_ToddBentley can.

3) “Queer students are being impacted by God’s presence!” – LGBT students are leading the worship on stage.

4) “Students are confessing their sins!” – Woke students are confessing their “Whiteness” and the need for more racial equity in their generation.

#asburyrevival #asburyawakening #asburyrevival2023


29 thoughts on “#AsburyRevival & #JesusIsComingSoon”

  1. Doesn't matter how much singing, "worship", testimony, and confession. If Law AND Gospel isn't preached clearly, there will be no lasting friut. How do they know what and who to worship??

  2. You mentioned "The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology" by Pascal Denault. This was the book God used to bring me out of the Pietism of New Covenant Theology back to our Particular Baptist roots in the Puritan era, which is how I also ended up becoming Postmill and Theonomic along with you, Joel. Denault (Day-noh) actually lives only a few hours away from us in Quebec. Please pray for this faithful brother as Quebec is by far one of the most secular/Leftist parts of Canada, and even much of the professing evangelical church there would be hostile to the truths that we stand for, right along with the state.

  3. So good Joel. AGREE with Truth.
    Without the GOSPEL there is no salvation . Conditions to saving Salvation is Repentance (confess) and FaIth (turn to Christ) they are not works they are gifts . GOD DOES IT ALL!!!

  4. “The Gospel is not about your life, it’s about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus….His life, His death, His resurrection…” Pastor/Leader Joel Webbon.
    Amen Brother and Praise The Lord!
    I love you bro…and I’m thankful for you. Thank you for this

  5. Worldly Church

    I had an image in my dream of A gaint cockroach I ask the Lord why am I seeing a Gaint cockroach in my dream?

    The Lord replies and says this is a Representation-of how the world has Defiled and taken over the Church .The church is filled with junk and filth:A huge mess that has Attracted unwanted behaviors and teachings of unclean spirits (Homosexuality, Adultery, Greed, Lust, Pride, witchcraft, fornacation, Manipulation, hatred, backbitten, gossip, unforgiveness) .It has taken over just as roaches taking over an unclean or filthy house or apartment.The house of the Lord has been infested and must be terminated says the Lord I the Lord am not in your so called Revivals or church services…In fact I’m like an guess who comes over and instantly gets uncomfortable and Disgusted by all the filth and roaches I see & no longer want to visit nor return due to the amount of uncleanliness.You are like roaches who are attracted to darkness but Scatter to hide when exposed to any light.You have ran from the truth to many false doctrines and teachings to justify your sinful desires like an disease a cockroach carries and spread to one another.You have preached feel-good messages instead of warning the people of there sins and my wrath for self-gain and impure motives leading people to destruction …You have turned from the truth to feed the people worldly wisdom instead of true wisdom of God.Your like roaches who feast on anything that pleases it’s Appetite including it’s own kind …condoning and feeding there unclean lifestyles for influence and money…It’s time for termination it’s time to clean house I’m fed up with your filth says The Lord God Almighty…Repent for the wrath of God is at hand!!!!(2timothy 4:3-4)

  6. If the word of God is preached for 20 minutes, that is enough to cut to the heart and bring faith and repentance. Not to mention, we typically meet once a week to hear the word. If they are preaching a 20 minute sermon every 8 hours, that's more than most get in a week.

  7. Anytime there is a move of God. The wolves will try to come into the camp. Why are we surprised by this?

    And just because sinners are present doesn't mean they are automatically going to repent. I'm sure you don't have 100% success rate on getting sinners saved.

  8. As a local in Wilmore KY, living just a few houses down from Asbury. I can affirm this revival is troubling. Pastor Joel is right on the point in this video. We have not heard the clear presentation of the Gospel of the Kingdom at this “revival.”

  9. The Good: Some of us were drawn to the father in heretical "charismatic" churches despite their teachings. As we matured in the faith we walked away from that junk.
    The Bad: That is the exception, not the rule
    The Ugly: Really awful people are going to use this to springboard their careers as the next Benny Hinn's and Kenneth Copeland's.

  10. Maybe we shouldn't count out the whole thing automatically. If it ends up being genuine then you and many of your followers on your tube have attributed to the devil what is actually God's. The fruit of this will take time. One of the great tenants of revial is also humility, which is very hard to see in any of your videos including this one.

  11. Pastor Joel, you led me to postmill which led me to covenant theology which led me to paedobaptism. I thank you for helping me in my growth to better understand God, his glorious covenants, and the goal of current christians to build the kingdom making all of Christ for all of life. Most of the important things you share I have never heard in my 30 years of life and my 10 years of dedication to Christ. You have played a huge part in my families spiritual growth!

  12. "there IS preaching from the Bible…"
    – that's like saying that when todd bently would use the name "Jesus" ONCE somewhere in his ramblings, they'd say he talked about Jesus and mentioned Jesus all the time.

  13. 1:19:50 Joel, you're describing liberals here. People who argue for abortion and pornography know in their consciousness that it is inherently evil but their desire to partake in the vices forces them to make arguments against their own conscience.

  14. Wonderful! Thank you! If only these kids could have sat under this kind of solid preaching of the bad news and the good news these past few weeks.
    I believe that if we are going to endeavor to have meaningful, productive conversations with people, it has become essential that we ask them to define their terms. Words like the gospel, repentance, sin…in our "progressive" Christian culture we can no longer assume we're on the same page.

  15. Joel, with out commenting on the revival, lets not make the good news more complicated than it is. Repent simply means to turn away from, and turn to Jesus, who bore it all on the bloody cross. Trusting Him, and His cross, death, burial, and ressurection is the gospel. Do not complicate it, please.

  16. I agree the true Gospel isn’t being preached, and not just at Asbury, but in the majority of churches today. There is only one complete Gospel message preached by the Apostle Paul (the one Apostle that Jesus chose to receive the full revelation of His Gospel of Grace [Paul even referred to it as his Gospel]) and this alone should be our word for word template for exactly what we should be preaching today.
    Here is the climax of the sermon:👇🏻

    “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭13‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    (*Note he doesn’t tell them to “repent” or “turn from their sins”. He only proclaims complete forgiveness of sins and justification to all who believe. When people believe this (the Gospel), God calls this repentance (which translated from the Greek word “metanoia”simply means “change your mind”, not “turn from your sin”). When we believe the true Gospel, God’s Grace causes our sins to fall off like dead leaves, replaced (often unconsciously) by the fruit of the Spirit.

    This is the result when the true Gospel is preached 👇🏻

    “So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Paul.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭13‬:‭42‬-‭45‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    *Note the self righteous, religious Jews opposed Paul’s message, objecting to the simplicity and ease by which people can be made righteous in Christ, apart from their works and Law keeping.
    There are often objections to the Gospel of Grace when it is preached in our day. Many Christians want to have a part to play in earning righteousness and favor with God so that they can share in the glory..


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