Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Recall Proves That Earth Is For Losers – Best Movie Ever

It’s a science fact that Earth is full of sad and pathetic people who are lucky if they get into more than 2 fights a week. The Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Total Recall finally showed everyone what they were missing and why Mars is AWESOME.

#actionmovies #spaceice #arnold #arnoldschwarzenegger


29 thoughts on “Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Recall Proves That Earth Is For Losers – Best Movie Ever”

  1. missed opportunity to call the Richter guy "discount Jack Nicholson", also that one guy is not actually David Hasselhof, sounds like you really thought it was him

  2. The Mutant girl giving “Taurus” as his birthday is actually the most correct answer she could give. On Mars; the days, months and years would all be different. The constellations would be the same though. In the beginning of the movie, we get exposition about the politics of Earth. The Northern Bloc is at war with the Southern Bloc. The Northern Bloc is the one that colonized Mars, so there probably isn’t movement of Southern Bloc citizens to Mars. The Mutant Girl mostly likely has had contact with Northern Bloc people and went with constellations/astrological signs from the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. The Astrological Signs/ Constellations will be the only thing that occurs at the same time

  3. Imagine never seeing boobs before and then you see this movie and a person's got three of them. To say when you finally get a chance to see them in person and there's only two, would seem like such a let down.


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