ARMED UPRISING IN RUSSIA! Current Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 407)

An armed uprising has sprung up in the southern Border areas of Russia near the Ingushetia Oblast. Information about the uprising is being kept to a minimum although a small video has come out of a firfight occuring in the area. This is also adding onto the firefights seen between partisans and the RF in Crimea as well as Putin;s warning about “terrorism,” days ago. Russian forces have made progress in bakhmut and are attempting to create a breakthrough in the rear lines to the northwest of the city.

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50 thoughts on “ARMED UPRISING IN RUSSIA! Current Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 407)”

  1. If mainland China starts a blockade of Taiwan then its over for China. Because according to the Taiwan relations act, USA supports a PEACEFUL unification, however, a blockade is not considered a peaceful unification under the Taiwan relations act.

  2. HEDGEHOGS are cute but:
    Once cared for an injured one at home, collecting at least 100, that had feasted on her.
    ..and that's after I spent half a night and some more hours (after she was patched up by the vet the next day) hunting for the MAGGOTS diving through her rotting wound 🤢 they wouldn't move on into her inner organs, destroying those and thereby killing her.
    Ticks, conveniently, seek a shady high spot UNDERNEATH something, to grow into the next stage of life or lay eggs.
    Therefore, I would simply collect them from under the top of the carton with transparent tape and stick them on my balcony's rail, so they'd ❤️‍🔥 in the 🌞
    ..wish I'd already come up with that idea already with the fckin maggots.

  3. blyat Ivan, idi nahui,

    Enforcer I think you doing a great jobb exposing all the bullshit and doing quite an excellent service to civilized society and i appreciate that.
    SWE/UKR 🇸🇪✌🏻

  4. The limiting factor for the MG3 because of its high rate of fire is the amount of ammunition the soldiers can carry this was also true for the WW2 MG42, when I was in the military every infantry soldier carried a 50 round belt of NATO 7.62 ammo for our GPMG's.

  5. Thank you Enforcer and Enforcer Matt for the livestreams sorry I don’t see them live anymore as once I wake uk gmt the stream ended an hour before.

  6. Is that statistic showing 390 soldiers actually killed or just wounded/taken out of action? 390 troops being taken out of the fight in the last 24 hours is absolutely insane numbers. Any army loosing 390 troops in 24 hours is going to start to collapse. It's insane to think about how many soldiers are loosing their lives in this horrible war. We haven't seen numbers like these since World War II. Not even the war in The Middle East was showing these numbers. So many human beings loosing their lives for a pointless reason.

  7. Hey. I got a hey from @the Enforcer. I’m very privileged. Good stream as always and i will watch again now to catch the chat. Not sure how Matt does it but my eyes are not so fast. 😂❤LSA 🇺🇦

  8. To call Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia "oblasts" is like calling California or Texas "counties" – the three are constituent republics, states of the Russian Federation.

  9. Don’t worry about your pronunciation Enforcer. English has not been spoken in America for years – for instance you say “zee” instead of “zed.” In Australia we use mobile phones and not cell phones.😁 Keep up the good work!

  10. What goes on in the Israeli-Arab conflict is not 'political'. Religious division is more serious and insoluble than anything political. That's the Camp David original sin: to wish that a political 'solution' is possible. The day when religion will not be the main factor, and the cycle of revenge is interrupted, maybe some 'solution' will start to become possible. Amen.

  11. Enforcer: why do you not do a colab video with some of the gun-tubers, like @BrandonHerrera or others, they would prob. let you both shoot and dissasemble the weapons…you could do a "Guns of Ukranian conflict" kinda thing..

  12. Taiwan should make an old freight ship radio controlled, also making it able to use its radio as backup here are people on board.
    Fill it with explosives.
    Then sail it where they almost makes it given the PLAN will try to inspect it. Keep telling the PLAN that they refuse to be boarded.
    If they come on board anyway and blow up the ship and PLAN vessel then it’s their own fault!
    That would probably keep the PLAN from trying to inspect Taiwanese ships.

  13. On the accents:
    David Attenborough is actually pretty funny and well done
    1930’s reporter is pretty good
    Russian accent: cringe, horrible, all you say is blyat. Need to retire this one.
    Rodney dangerfield: good accent but it gets old quickly. he hasn’t been popular in decades
    Weird NY accent: Kind of offensive to New Yorkers. Horrible accent. Not really sure what call em out means, and why you randomly use a pseudo Ny accent in short phrases.
    I don’t know what the “Peter” accent is supposed to be
    Maybe try an Alabama redneck, you might be better at that.
    Sam Elliot is pretty good, but on,y in short doses.
    I love the stream but here is my constructive advice.
    Drop the juvenile/ heartless jokes, especially when people are dying on screen. It’s a war stream, not a comedy show. It comes off as heartless.
    Get rid of the polls and questions during the news. Move that to after Zelenskyy speech. It kills the momentum of the news, and most people skip it anyways. It tends to drag on.
    Try to be more mature and professional, like you were in the early streams. Less jokes, less hype for money, less in love with your own voices. Just report the facts, show the clips, and keep things moving along. Less rabbit holes, but your knowledge of history and weapons of war is impressive. If you don’t know about something, don’t make guesses on stream. Just say you don’t know and the audience will help. You’ve occasionally made really bad guesses and it undermines you. It’s ok if you don’t know about a topic like commercial diving on nord stream, etc. I bet if you study the analytics, you’ll see where most people start skipping when the chit chat starts to get to the next clip. Keep it moving, and keep up the good work. Avoid insulting entire cities or countries, like Detroit. People from all over are listening,and when you insult their city or butcher a bad accent, it’s a big turn off. I’m only trying to be helpful, so hope this didn’t hurt your feelings. LSA! Slava Ukraine!

  14. Airbus have made a cockup siding with China it could have repercussions across the airline industry that nobody will want to buy from Airbus, and as for China they have so much to loose if they go to war with Taiwan.

  15. Taiwan is not really an other name for the ROC. It’s the name for the main island in the ROC.
    But yes as it’s the only part of the ROC that really matters in the grand scheme of things. Taiwan it’s often just used for the he whole ROC.

  16. Another great livestream! Thank you!
    Victory, Freedom, Full Reparations, and all of Ukraine's Land for Ukraine, this includes Donbas and Crimea. 💙💛

  17. Remember Enforcers. There are none so blind as them who will not see. And the lies; lies upon lies. Everywhere you turn is someone lying about something. I’m ashamed of of anyone who “lives on lies”, especially in my Country. I am just going to come out and say that Truth is the only path to Life. Unless we start basing all of our intentions on truth, whether or not we be living on Religion, Government, Militarism, Sports, Poverty, Environmentalism, It’s Howdy-Dooty time, it’s….Sorry. I just get tired all over when people talk like that. In the case of this channel and program, the Truth is that Russia attacked Ukraine and they must be stopped and because I believe that the Ukraine is a good Country. People make a Country and because the Ukraine embraced Truth and have become a good Country filled with good people. A veritable Beacon of Light for Democracy. I like the Ukrainians and I do not like Russia. All my life I’ve had to duck and cover and taught to Fear the Bomb. But I, as part of an older generation was taught to fear and hate the Russian and their evil, rotten collection of old, probably missing parts and more than likely a dud. But I don’t underestimate the Nuclear Forces and they will release a god awful cataclysm of nuclear destruction upon all of us. I just hope their old Rockets break. Plus everyone will releasing their own nuclear arsenal, and when it’s all over Countries will need to continue to secure their borders so survivability is essential along with a robust civil defense system. Or we can crawl into our Sewers like in Vietnam. Most of won’t make it but so what, they won’t either. So what I’m trying to say is: To Ukrainian Solders. I can’t comprehend the evil that is upon you. But I can comprehend the intense Bravery and everywhere you go you leave the place better than you found it. You cherish your citizens and are continually rescuing them from the evil that surrounds you. You are not a dishonest people. Yes you’ve had trouble getting away from the Russian style of business. Dishonest. But you and your government are making great strides and this means everything when establishing trust and honor amoung yourselves and your European neighbors. We have all come to admire and love the Ukrainian people and the service it provides to the world. I have come to respect, admire and love you all. God grant you victory over the invaders and occupiers. Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Hero’s. Slava Ukraine.


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