Armed Fantasia – Alicia field test

We just got another in-development video from Nishimura at bee tribe. This one features a new location, a forest that Alicia is searching through. We’ve also got some enemies on the field.

Just like last time, the terrain and actions are all part of a test environment, and swaying objects on characters and shaders aren’t included. The lighting is also temporary, but will be different from the previously released video. Please enjoy.

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33 thoughts on “Armed Fantasia – Alicia field test”

  1. camera feels too far away, or something… something just feels odd about it all while watching it. Between the environment and the character; possibly caused by the camera. like it jolts up and down as she encounters different terrain.

  2. Music sounds so Wild Arms-y 😀

    I still wanna know if the SP you showed in some of your materials will work like generic MP mechanic or will it be like SP from Wild Arms 2? Plleeeeease make it like FP, it was such an awesome mechanic.

  3. I know its a WIP, but i really hope they are cel-shading the final game… its the main reason i was drawn to the game. Cel-shading an anime style game is my favorite style.

  4. I hope this does well and convinces Sony to give a shit about not only this franchise but all the other Japanese franchises they're sitting on.


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