Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders's full inaugural address

Watch the full inaugural address of Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on January 10, 2023.


44 thoughts on “Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders's full inaugural address”

  1. Was she a resident for the seven years before running for governor? She was in Washington from 2016 till 2021 but she looks beautiful I hope she is not as corrupt as the other politicians in the news lately , on both sides take a stand Ms Sanders

  2. Why weren't the state troopers acknowledged, and why was their command to "Present Arms" instead of "Hand Salute", which is what they did since they had no weapons or "arms"?

  3. I’m from Texas but I am really cheering for her to do well I really believe she’s going to be a good governor and I hope she is a great governor and I hope everybody in Arkansas gets behind her🇺🇸

  4. CONGRATULATIONS to the State of Arkansas ❤!! May God’s hand be over Gov. Huckabee Sanders and her husband and children and May God’s shadow be over the state of Arkansas (and Texas! ) ❤️❤️

  5. All you people need to STOP with your hurtful remarks! SHE AND HER FAMILY ARE BEAUTIFUL and I love them,support them , pray for them.
    CONGRATULATIONS SARAH! There are many out there that feel same way.


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