Are safe supply policies effective at curbing drug overdoses?

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre introduced a motion Thursday calling on the Liberal government to halt all programs providing non-toxic drugs to those suffering with addictions and redirect funding to treatment services. He argues the programs are leading to more opioid deaths.

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39 thoughts on “Are safe supply policies effective at curbing drug overdoses?”

  1. Are we forgetting where this is going? I mean just look at San Francisco, 150+ blocks of drug use essentially destroying the city's viability for taxable income. These people need help to get clean not get high.

  2. Shout out all the GEDs in comments 😂 it absolutely does prevent overdoses. There’s only peer reviewed medical journals that show it though so it’ll be difficult for these TikTok’s to learn.

  3. If you're worried about addict's rights and their well-being, please invite them to stay with you, so they can get off the street. Speak with your actions, justice worriers

  4. Safe supply with care and treatment of addiction, rehabilitation, not just giving safe supply to further addiction, need mental health with a solid path. Yeah B. C. legalizes opioids, what a mess. And doctors still prescribe OxyContin, what a shame, tsk, tsk, tsk. Awful

  5. Minister if you really believe on your program, You should go to hasting street everyday so you can see the zombies that you have created. Don't just stay on your office and watch movie everyday. You are another incompetent minister.

  6. It is shame , stupidity and negligence that the government takes such controversial and unprecedented move as supplying people with harmful drugs without any real studies before or after. No politician can refer to a single study. They know nothing more than what they saw on TV. that is more seriours the problem itself

  7. Addicts should be taken off the streets and made to go through rehab. Giving free drugs to the homeless is like pouring water on a grease fire, sounds like a good idea if you don’t know better, but it makes the problem so much worse.

  8. If more people really knew who they are trying to save they would give up. You can talk to the addicts and all have a story, a story that is usually lies to manipulate kind hearted naive people into giving them what they need for their next fix. Addiction rules their lives and they will use whoever they can to feed the addiction no matter what harm comes to those sucked into the lies. You can't help those who won't help themselves.

    Safe consumption sites don't really solve any long term problems. All they essentially do is post pone mortality. Need I explain why?
    The government needs to come up with a simple plan to get rid of fentanyl by preventing it from coming in through the mail and across the borders and that's the only way you're ever going to solve this crisis. The fact they can't even solve this one little issue, meanwhile the thousands are dying, means they're totally incompetent, lazy, complacent and not even worth voting for.

  10. We probably wouldn't need as much safe supply and so many drug addicts on the street if we had proper rehabilitation and housing if you're rich or you have a really good job with insurance you can get rehab just like that but if you are a street-level drug addict you could be waiting for years to get rehab if you ever do get it. Doesn't matter which side you may be on the safe supply issue if we don't have rehab taking street-level addicts we're never going to really help them. Safe supply can be a temporary fix but not a long-term fix and if we want people actually to get better get housing get jobs and stop letting the rich take all of the rehab spots and create more rehab and create more housing focussed on clean housing

  11. These people are adults and all adults are responsible for their actions. Why do we let addicts get away with things the rest of us wouldn't. Why has their problem become everyone's problem except theirs. The Trudeau government is a bunch of enablers who can't see the forest for the trees. You can't save people who don't want to be helped. I am a firm believer in tough love. Nobody has the right to harm others, even addicts.

  12. To hell with "Safe Supply" let them O.D. and don't waste resources resuscitating them. There are actual people who are in need of life saving drugs, and our joke of a government is wasting money on giving junkies their habits instead!

  13. Pierre Poutine imagines that he has a guaranteed win against pharma companies. What happens if he wastes all that money on the lawsuit and loses. Does he have a Plan-B? I doubt it.

  14. At 5:20, the host (David) talks about " But, what would you say to some of the concerns we've seen, in recent days, that safe supply is being sold by people who get it and then they are using the money they get from that to go and buy the illegal drugs, which are at risk, of being toxic, but it's creating a supply that can be trafficked and then used to go get more dangerous drugs.? My initial response would be" :Wasn't that a mouthful of word salad David?" The simple answer to break down all his assertions is to provide real world solutions. Anyone who wants a shot of heroin, gets it for free at our clinic. Clinically administered by a registered nurse. Record keeping and counselling. You don't walk away with substances that you can then sell. Not Pierre Poutine ignorant conservative "common sense". A nice whistle blow to ignorant conservatives that have no clue about science. Thank you Pierre Poutine. Another nail in your coffin to the conservatives winning the next election. Thank you.

  15. So BC has 'safer supply" and AB does not but BC has a much higher rate of overdose deaths than AB. That proves "safer supply" doesn't work and Canadian taxpayers should not be paying for it.

  16. You cannot prevent addicts from seeking higher and higher hits. That is why they are called addicts. They neee to be weaned from it. If they do not want, then don't waste taxpayers' money supplying them with free drugs.

  17. she is a moron, im living with someoen right now who is abusing this system and has housing and its killing him and destroyed his life, he is much worse than before all this new system, your system is destroying people who were cleaning up


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