Are fireballs coming from the sky?


39 thoughts on “Are fireballs coming from the sky?”

  1. We are in these times
    Revelation 12
    King James Version
    12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

    Happened 23 September 2017

    2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

    Israel today ( so many elections the dividing of israel)
    Israel enemies making life hard for Israel

    3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

    The 10 nations (bric's???) and, 7 world leaders, 7 heads that are seven hills = the papacy vatican

    The verse below is what you could be seeing in your images gina

    4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

    This above verse is about Satan trying to stop the rapture of the Church

    5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

    The rapture just took place in this verse.
    Caught up

    This verse is the start of the 1st half of the 7 year Tribulation
    6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

    Israel will build a 3rd temple and start sacrificing again

    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

    Satan is detain for 3 and a half year whilst Israel dwell safely revelations 12;6
    Satan is not allowed back until the abomination of desolation Daniel 9:27

    See war in heaven because Satan tries to stop the rapture look Daniel 12

    King James Version

    12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

    Because there is a war in heaven, there will be a war on earth
    Psalm chp 83 the reason why God helps Israel win this war is because he promised Israel that land not on merit but a promise
    They will build the 3rd temple but first some nearby enemies that are causing Israel birthing pains have to be removed like revelation 12:6 a place prepared of God
    At this time something in the world would of changed but if you read pslams 83:18 this is the other reason for God stepping in
    After the rapture the true believers in Jesus are gone

    2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

    Believers in Jesus and what he did on the cross will be raptured unbelievers with be left behind
    And the Antichrist will make an covenant with Israel for 7 years but will break it half way thru Daniel 9:24-27


  2. I can only tell you what I have witnessed with my own eyes and I can tell you that wry single time I have to drive either in the middle of the night or early in the morning I see so many shooting starts but they are bigger than shooting stars! Then I also see flashes of light! EVERY TIME! I have never seen anything like it! I have also witnessed red fire balls falling with a trail of smaller fire balls behind it! I live in the desert and the sky is SO CLEAR, when they aren’t spraying the crap out of us, and I’m telling you that the sky’s have been crazy lately! I have been documenting the sky for years but lately I haven’t even been able to capture it because it happens when I’m driving in the night or in the early morning when it’s dark. That’s my two cents! God bless all! ❤

  3. Although it was foggy last night, the sky was absolutely full of them. Today, in my town, they were right out in the open and people still didn't notice them. I couldn't understand it for the life of me because they weren't even trying to hide themselves today. It was cloudy today but it was big huge clouds, not a sky full of clouds. Look up sun and moon simulators on JW Tv. They're shooting lasers out of them but are going to claim a false alien invasion but it's more to it. Look up The Sun Gun on JW Tv. He has several videos about this. The militaries are all in on it together. I caught the moon simulator in several of my pictures last night. A friend was with me and he was literally shocked. It wasn't the moon Although it looked just like the moon when standing on the ground but when we zoomed in…we were shocked. I'm not trying to force my opinion on anyone so please don't think that. That's not what I was trying to say, as I totally respect everyone's opinions!

  4. Hello Gina blessings to you, thanks for always having that sharp eyes to bring forward the truth about our surroundings. Love you. From my heart to your. 🌹💖💖💖💖😇💖💖💖🌹

  5. Hey Gina
    It looks like the Plasma ships & beings I've seen in my home security camera for the last 3 or 4 years or so. I never had a good feeling about it either. Love your post Gina. You always find the best Digs.
    From my ❤ here in Bama to yours

  6. Damage bad enough to keep a super important flight from being launched… Sound nefarious to me. Our planning is way better than that. Ok if they need 24 hours notice, that's. One thing,, but if it's from damage that could have been proactively fixed, then someone has a.motive as to why it wasn't fixed before now. Strategic aircraft only available from ONE LOCATION?

  7. I haven't been watching this channel for a while because it's complete fear mongering. We create our own reality. You've no idea what's going on in the world and sounds like you're a bit on edge. Maybe take a chill pill?

  8. Victoria Australia, had that mist two days ago at night, heavy trails during the day, wasnt cold or wet at evening time, i could smell the metallics from mist

  9. I did see them from some other utubers coming from the sky. Sometimes they look blue or clear or now green. I never saw it green before. We do not know the details of what is happening but the atmosphere does.not look normal. I guess to keep us like sitting ducks they come up with reasons for our discomfort which as I see as a band aid. So people will put their mind at rest and continue to be normal un alert so that their nets will be full when they drop it. Go back to sleep while we fish.

  10. If kitty is still fighting to live the vet can guve her an ivermectin injection. Drain the fluid. Give her low doses of an antibiotic for 2 days on an of drips to keep her hydrated while the fluid drains. That may be costly though because she will be hospitalized for a few days. With live and care she could recover. I had a a cat 18yrs old i left her with sister. Anyway she ran away and got lost. I fasted and prayed to find her. I did but she was near dead. I begged the vet to treat her for me. He knew me and her for yrs so he put her on drips on and off for a day. Then he told me she was blind. I told him I will take care of her blind. He continue giving her vitamins I was there every week. She started recovering. She was blind and paralyzed. And he saw her coming on good. She recovered her eyesight and she began to walk. She lived for another 3yrs. I was so happy for that time. Only God knows.

  11. Gina/Friends, what episode is it that you showed Ed (our Sun) looking angry? That was a great episode – they all are, but that one in particular. He looked pained. As if something had hurt him. Perhaps this is his retaliation? Perhaps there is nothing that can be done to control it. Would you or someone re-post that video? Thank you!

  12. I think that the fog is meant to block out the sky is because the VAH(. Virtual artificial intelligence Hologram) is breaking down. Sun Blinkin? Other anomalies in the sky ?? Welcome to the awakening 👍

  13. Hello Gina , I am from Quebec and speak French so excuse my English fault.
    I don't know what is going on on our planet but too many events since few months dit happen which are disturbing.
    The Sun is sending solar flair more Strong and more frequently . HAARP is use as they wishes, Chemstrail also plus CERN from where we dont know what happen when they open doors To???? The proxy war , the viruses ….
    There is a guy Steve Fletcher who explain the bibllical events ( regarding the rapture) and he also explain the way the planète are in the sky and what all that can have on effects on us.
    He is saying that January 5 th there Will be a " puise " coming from the sky lot of radiation but he dosen't know what Will be the effects on us. Or where it will hit the harder . We already have particules coming from there . We could expect a very big earthquake or more then one . I suppose he is speaking about the Cascadia fail.
    He also talk about 10 planets which Will be in one line January 6 th the full moon day. This must be very rare .
    Why am I telling you that , it is because those events have on us any kind of effects that we cant explain . We ressent we feel something unusual is going on but we can't say exactly what . Like for myself it is incredible how I have problem To sleep. I also feel with less energy.
    Finally I wanted To tell you Thank you for your honnesty you are a superbe woman .
    With much respect .

  14. Those false light workers are really at it with their false love and light and 5d blah blah blah. That information when we have it about 5th dimension we really mean a understanding that simple. If u know u know


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