Are Atlantean and Mesopotamian Giants Alive Today in Syria? #irem #gilgamesh #baalbek

The archeological evidence of ancient Mesopotamian giants found in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, via the tombs, sarcophaguses and ancient cuneiform writings, indicates that the entire Arabian Peninsular may have been populated by these ancient Titans. And these beings may have originated from both Persia and the Lost City of Irem in the Empty Quarter. What did the researcher Professor Ernst Muldashev find in 2005. And are the actual bones of these giants being deliberately hidden and destroyed, while obviously fake evidence is being promoted?

#mysteriousmiddleeast #LostCivilizations #sumerianrecords #persia

Check out Keywan Nikousefat the narrator for this episode’s personal channel
Library of Wisdom

Related Episodes

Are Ancient Giants Hidden Beneath Irem in Arabia?

Were Real Giants Discovered Across the Black Sea Region?

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Primary Sources

Pravda – Russian researchers discover giants’ evidence in Syria

Amelirad et al – The Iron Age “Zagros Graveyard” Near Sanandaj (Iranian Kurdistan): Preliminary Report On The First Season

Mysterious Universe – Skeleton of an Ancient Giant Found in Iran

AKNews – An British archaeology team has found the “missing link” of the stages of human evolution in Sulaimaniyah.

AKNews – Bones Of Men 10 Feet High Were Found In Historic Sites

Music by Scott Buckley

0:00 Preview: An Ancient Yemeni Giant in Syria
0:35 Intro: Capturing Biblical Monsters
2:30 Syria and the Lost City of Irem
13:06 The Giant Hoaxes of the Early 2000s

Thumbnail: Siavosh Houshmandi – Guardians of the Nations Gate, on Art Station


31 thoughts on “Are Atlantean and Mesopotamian Giants Alive Today in Syria? #irem #gilgamesh #baalbek”

  1. Thanks to Keywan as always for his excellent voice over. Scan through the description box above to find a link to his channel. Youtube doesn't allow me to post links in the comments section. This episode is part 3 in a series of videos that focuses specifically on the Levent and a direct followup to a slightly earlier episode on the history of giants in Turkey and Armenia. Links to all those episodes can also be found in the description box above.


  3. Turns out the world isn't so beautiful after all the planet is but existing here as a human isn't the lies from our leaders is reaching a level that we can't deal with anymore we need to do what our Ansestors did

  4. 5:00 Giant Bones never found ? You don’t do any research…. Check old Newspaper clippings from 1900’s.
    Giant bones found all over the world. Especially the US. Look up Giant bones found on Catalina Island off the coast of California. Your false statements or lack of research make me unsubscribe.

  5. Many giant skeletons have been found in the United States but were confiscated by the Smithsonian institution it is believed that they were disposed of by syncing them in the Atlantic Ocean off the shores of New York

  6. Near the small town of Santa Rosa New Mexico United States is a sinkhole cave where a local rancher decided to explore he is told people that he found two skeletons one of the men one of a woman based on their dress they appeared to be stylized native American with red hair and he stated that they were gigantic and size he has refused to tell anyone where they're exact location is and supposedly when asked about his experience he appears to be terrified and no longer wants to discuss the issue

  7. There is a Big Effort to hide or Destroy evidence of the Nephilim(Giants) in every Country either by that Countries Government or Major Religion. For example any where The Catholic Church controls they have taken over the sites that have or been built by Giants. In America it is The Smithsonian.

  8. Our history is being deliberately hidden to protect the weak leaders of this realm. there is a war against humanity and it has been waged in every way thought history. We are now living in the time of the war of ideas.

  9. Has it occurred to anyone how similar the word eden and Edom is….just throwing that out there.. anyways, I believe humans used to be bigger and some even bigger cus they weren't all 100% human but half or a 1/4 nit human. But they're still around cus it's in some peoples genetics and is known as gigantism but I think be a use its o ly a speck in their DNA it can cause complications and pain. But the ones that are fully grown and gigantic and are physically perfectly fine are all made to play sports. Has anyone met a team of professional basketball players HAVE U STOOD NEXT TO THEM….THEY AIN'T NORMAL. THEYRE GIANT. people seem to forget just how big Shaquille is compared to others cus he's usually sitting down.
    So yes I believe they still exist among us. But I also believe there can be even bigger ones that live away from society because us smaller humans were able to kill their families over the centuries. Look into tartarian history. There were still giants around and giant books and doorways to places and huge buildings. We don't build things like that any more. Cus we don't need to. But man we're they beautiful places of architecture just gorgeous. There's also villiages found here or there the ones I know about are in Scotland and Ireland and they were dwarves. Theyre villages were built by little people. And we're built by little people. Which is where the idea of leprechauns came from. But American soldiers in Afghanistan (I think that's where incould be remembering the placement wrong) went up against a giant that lived in a cave out in the middle of nowhere and were killed. So they sent in more to find what happened. They were all killed by a giant he got one of them on a hunting spear he had and could lift it up. And he died the other ones managed to kill the giant with their guns. But they suspected the giant must have eaten the other guys cus… was a gory scene. The first group just didn't manage to kil the giant but the second one did. They say this never happened but some of th soldiers had came out and told their story and described how big he was his hair color was red. Amd he behaved and lived ferally. Their not supposed to talk about it but they do anyways. I believe the story. They carried the giant back to America probably for study. But I believe they're there but they know the smaller people can kill them amd are dangerous

  10. Why do radicals always want to destroy important things from history? I'll never understand. But it just brings pain to everyone else. Who have seen it and the people like me who just wanted to see it their entire life and havnt yet. Complete sadness and dissapointment. Absolute sadness.

  11. When humans get too tall, our bodies start to fall a part. Once you get around 9 feet tall, the volume of blood in the body creates incredibly high pressure in the legs and puts undue stresses the heart. Also, our bones would be likely to break just from bearing the weight of the body. Our bodies would have to be shaped very differently to properly distribute the mass (like a giraffe or an elephant, for example).
    Everything is subject to the mathematics of the square-cube law where internal volume increases twice as fast as surface area. That puts hard limits on what is possible.
    A race of humans that are all around 7 feet tall I could easily believe, but that's hardly a giant.

  12. My answer is YES. I do believe GIANTS exists. No doubt. Some groups of 'Powerful Elite Organisation' is hiding this matter. Whether the world can or cannot accept this,..we all deserve the truth. Not to say evidence of GIANTS been hid from all of us, even evidence of 'Mermaids' today also been covered up tightly, silencing witnesses.


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